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大学英语作文 My Studying Plan 要求请写出详尽的本学期英语学习计划...

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 18:10



热心网友 时间:2022-06-08 22:12

Suddenly winter has passed, unconsciously, began a new semester of life. The new semester, it gives us a new hope, new goals, new beginning ...... everything changed. I would like to live in the last year of primary school in the sense to do everything you want. During the year I have to cherish every second of time, not to fight for a moment shortage degree.
In this term, whether it is language, mathematics, or English, I had to be more hard work, because I will face serious small rise in early exam. And every day can not relax. For knowledge can not be sloppy, there is not a problem, go through some thought, if it does not ask the students or teachers. Should listen carefully to each lesson, especially when the subject is the teacher analysis, but also to listen carefully, not distracted. Homework is an important part of the job can be completed carefully found insufficient, and can consolidate the knowledge. Chinese homework to write neatly and carefully analyzed; math homework can not be careless, after careful examination and checking finished; English homework writing specifications, neat handwriting. The so-called "bitter Gan come," as long as the effort will certainly be rewarded.
"There is a road ground for the tracks, Boundless Learning bitter for the boat." Let's explore the unknown world, toward their goals, struggling to move forward!
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