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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 18:01



热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 23:16

Our company has a lot of clothes to need the goods to Colombia, I want to supervise putting, had not finishing until very late all the time yesterday, because did not come to class on time ,I felt that very sorry

热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 23:16

< I > to make an appointment with the dog's ten
1. Although regret, and you together of the time, only a decade or so.
2. In order to enhance mutual understanding, please give us enough time to each other.
3. Please talk more with me, ok?
4. Don't quarrel, don't beat and scold me, because I will not bite you.
5. When I am not obedient, always have reason, think well before you blame me.
6. Please believe me, because I will always be your partner.
7. You also have friends in school, but for me, only you in my life.
8. Even if I'm old, also don't abandon me, please.
9. The days I spent with you, I won't forget the rest of my life.
When I leave this world, you watched me leave, because have you by my side, I can live a happy journey to heaven. So, please don't forget anyway, I have been in love with you.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 23:17

There were a lot of clothes in our company needed to ship to Colombia.I work late yesterday as a supervisor,so I'm very sorry I didn't come to class on time.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 23:17

Lots of our clothes are being shipped to Columbia recently, I went to supervise the loading yesterday and came back late. Really sorry that I didn't present on time.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 23:18

there were loads of clothes to be exported to Columbia in our.company, and i was in charge, so i stayed up late last night, that is why i donnot come to.class on time, i am really sorry for that.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 23:19

We have lots of clothes needs to be shipped to Columbia,and i need to be responsible for it. For the shipment takes a whole night to be prepared so that i can not have my class in time, and i feel much pity for it.

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大师在英语中可以翻译为"master"或者"expert"。主人大师"可以翻译为"Master expert"或者"Master of the craft"。需要注意的是,英语中对于不同领域的专家可能有特定的称呼,比如"master chef"(大厨)、"master musician"(大师级音乐家)等。具体根据特定的领域或专业来使用相应的称谓。当谈到领域专家或...

英语 英文 翻译 R.C. Gorman 请大师给翻译一下 具体说的什么意思?_百 ...

Up nine days to catch the moon, down five oceans to catch turtles

大师用英语怎么说 例句翻译

大师 [词典] master; grandmaster; great; (造诣深的人) great master;[例句]许多胸怀抱负的年轻画家被建议通过临摹大师的作品来学习绘画。Many aspiring young artists are advised to learn by copying the masters.

请大师帮忙翻译 一个太阳就画完了 英语

a painting of the sun deal。

请英语大师翻译1.确信干...2.写三个关于你自己的句子。3.拉小提琴_百 ...

oh my god 为什么不百度翻译呢

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