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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-21 22:21



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 23:08

Together for a whole 16 months
And still till this day didn't seem like enough
Time to be together but I still thank the lord above
For helping me find you you were like my first true love
Like any other person with a past
We came with some baggage
But we were mature enough to be able to look past it
And all those fucking bastards from your past
That hurt you I would try and heal your wounds like a bandage
We were like the best of friends
But it's true that all good things gotta come to an end
You were off to college so we had to acknowledge
that our future would be having some problems
and we knew we could solve them so
We tried to hold out to the very end
but on the last days when the phone rang
I held the phone to my ear till the line went dead
And right before she hung up the phone she said
i'm so sorry
that its gotta end this way
but you gotta understand that im feeling the same way.
i know your feeling weak but you gotta stay strong
i know you wanna stay but you gotta move
you gotta move one
yeah you gotta move on
you'll alwaays be in my thoughts always in my heart
but you gotta move on
yea you gotta move on
It's crazy how we get ourselves into situations knowing its gunna end up bad
But we do it anyways knowing were gunna end up sad
I guess its foolish pride
Caught in the heat of the moment we just tryna live our lives
Not thinking about the future
Then I gotta face the fact that on day ima probably lose ya
Now you got me thinking back questioning myself
Was I the best I could be or did I simply just use ya
Wish I could go back in time
Wish I could make you smile
Every time I mad you cry
I Wish I could take back every fight
Take back every lie
I Wish I could've made all my wrongs simply go right
But it's too late for that
Now we gotta face the facts
I wasn't the best man I could be
and for that I want to say that I'm sorry
just know the pain always stays with me
now she on the other line saying
I just gotta say it sucks dealing with all this
if it was my decision we would have never split
If I had the chance id be running back emmitt smith
But the depression is over weighted by all the beautiful benefit
You gave me I enjoyed it all
Even the little things
Every call every letter
And I still wear our ring
And every time you'd say baby please just hold me
I know she feels the same and now I know that's why she told me
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