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my family 演讲稿(初一)要有故事

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 14:36



热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 08:20

My Family
It is with great pleasure that i introce my family today. I feel very grateful as a member of my family.
My home have four mouth people-papa,mama,i and DD and which is a harmonious family.For instance,i still remember that my mother once told me that she didn't like to eat beaf.So i and my brother eat the litter beaf everytime.However,i find that my mother like it more and more recently.Once at dinnertime i asked my mother the reason,my father smiled and told me that my mama always prefer the beaf,but in our childhood my family was not very well off.I lifted up mine eyes unto my brother and my brother looked over at me at the same time and we found that our eyes were moist with tears.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 08:21

My Family
It is with great pleasure that i introce my family today. I feel very grateful as a member of my family.
My home have four mouth people-papa,mama,i and DD and which is a harmonious family.For instance,i still remember that my mother once told me that she didn't like to eat beaf.So i and my brother eat the litter beaf everytime.However,i find that my mother like it more and more recently.Once at dinnertime i asked my mother the reason,my father smiled and told me that my mama always prefer the beaf,but in our childhood my family was not very well off.I lifted up mine eyes unto my brother and my brother looked over at me at the same time and we found that our eyes were moist with tears.
My parents teach me personal tidiness and humility which is very important in my life.This is probably the background of life,i learn self-reliance and self-empowerment,self-confidence.These will be my large fortune ring my life.

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