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Into The Woods (2010 Digital Remaster) 歌词

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热心网友 时间:9小时前

歌曲名:Into The Woods (2010 Digital Remaster)
歌手:The Rambelins
专辑:Into The Woods

Into The Woods
Across The Dark
Insomnium--Into The Woods
Now close your eyes
and open your weary heart
let me soothe away the woes
of fiendish world...
As will the sun bathe the land
in its warming light
so shall the moon ascend
to guide the day to wane
in turn the rain to hush
the tumult of this world
and the wind to rise,
sigh a lullaby in trees
"Not in these troubled times
I`m not the one you pined for
no, not into calmer waters
I`m not-the one you long for"
"But a scarecrow, an anathema to the world
looking in from the outside
it`s time to turn my back,
walk off the beaten path
seek heartening in solitude"
The arc of sky is roof where I call it home
drizzle of rain the only music from now on
my bed is made from juniper`s boughs
of mire and moss my pillow
"Not in these troubled times
I`m not the one you pined for
no, not into calmer waters
I`m not-the one you long for"
"But a scarecrow, an anathema to the world
looking in from the outside
it`s time to turn my back,
walk off the beaten path
seek heartening in solitude"
Lone footprints diverge from tree line
autumn veils the sloughs with rime
shell of quagmire
yet too fragile to bear a man

Into The Woods (2010 Digital Remaster) 歌词

专辑:Into The Woods Into The Woods Insomnium Across The Dark Insomnium--Into The Woods --lndjove-- ...Now close your eyes and open your weary heart let me soothe away the woes of fiendish world...As will the sun bathe the land in its warming light so shall the moon ascen...

求~《死亡诗社》里最后那首诗(《诗歌五百年》第一页上的那首诗)的英 ...

I went to the woods 我步入丛林 because I wanted to live deliberately 因为我希望生活有意义 I wanted to live deep 我希望活的深刻 and suck out all the marrow of life! 吸取生命中所有的精华 To put to rout all that was not life 把非生命的一切都击溃 And not when...




由Panic! At The Disco演唱的这首曲目,歌词如:“我听见你,却不回应,我所爱的人都在我身边……我正屏蔽你的呼唤。”3. 森林中的成长恐惧与憧憬 雪宝在《Lost in the Woods》中,体验成长的困惑,梦想着未来的广阔世界,歌词片段:“迷失在森林中,我向往那未知的边界……引领我,不要离开我。


9.Into the Unknown (Panic! At The Disco Version) - Panic! At the Disco 10.All is Found (Kacey Musgraves Version) - Kacey Musgraves 11.Lost in the Woods (Weezer Version) - Weezer 主题曲Evan Rachel Wood - All Is Found(From 2Version) (《冰雪奇缘2》 插曲)歌词:Written by:...

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full of silence the air 雪白明月照在大地 bright moon touching the earth 藏著你最深处的秘密 hiding your most secret 或许我 maybe I 不该问 should not ask 让你平静的心再起涟漪 to break the silence deep inside of you 只是爱你的心超出了界线 but my heart's beyond the border 我想...

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In the woods, you said your vows so perfectly. I did? I did. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Coming through, coming through. My name is Paul, I am the head waiter. I will be creating your wedding feast. Wedding feast! I'm salivating. Maggots. Keep away! I've got a... I've ...

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