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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-15 13:09



热心网友 时间:2024-10-30 01:56

1. The song "Sign" by DEAMN starts with an invitation to forget the past and embrace loneliness in a ghost town, where a beautiful madness brews within the soul.
2. The lyrics express a longing that's hard to suppress, as the singer can't stop thinking about the object of their affection.
3. The singer walks down a lonely avenue, wondering if the feeling is mutual, repeatedly asking, "Are you?"
4. The love described is a wildfire that consumes the heart, and the singer pleads for a sign from the universe to confirm their feelings.
5. As the song progresses, the lights fade and the singer becomes increasingly inebriated in emotions, closing their eyes and still unable to stop thinking of the other person.
6. The request for a sign continues, with the singer walking that lonely avenue, hoping for a confirmation that their love is mutual.
7. The song's refrain intensifies, pleading for a sign that will validate the depth of the love and the connection between the singer and their love interest.
8. In the midst of the emotional rollercoaster, the singer's love is described as wild, uncontrollable, and they beg for any sign at all to reassure them.
9. The intensity builds as the singer repeats the request for a sign, almost a mantra, seeking validation and connection.
10. The song concludes with a series of pleas for a sign, leaving the listener with a sense of yearning and the power of unrequited love.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-30 01:57

1. The song "Sign" by DEAMN starts with an invitation to forget the past and embrace loneliness in a ghost town, where a beautiful madness brews within the soul.
2. The lyrics express a longing that's hard to suppress, as the singer can't stop thinking about the object of their affection.
3. The singer walks down a lonely avenue, wondering if the feeling is mutual, repeatedly asking, "Are you?"
4. The love described is a wildfire that consumes the heart, and the singer pleads for a sign from the universe to confirm their feelings.
5. As the song progresses, the lights fade and the singer becomes increasingly inebriated in emotions, closing their eyes and still unable to stop thinking of the other person.
6. The request for a sign continues, with the singer walking that lonely avenue, hoping for a confirmation that their love is mutual.
7. The song's refrain intensifies, pleading for a sign that will validate the depth of the love and the connection between the singer and their love interest.
8. In the midst of the emotional rollercoaster, the singer's love is described as wild, uncontrollable, and they beg for any sign at all to reassure them.
9. The intensity builds as the singer repeats the request for a sign, almost a mantra, seeking validation and connection.
10. The song concludes with a series of pleas for a sign, leaving the listener with a sense of yearning and the power of unrequited love.
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