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寻找一首英文歌,歌词里面有'you and i alone'还有‘i can hear you...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-15 06:12



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 20:28


I Can’t Do It Alone歌词

oh god, god, she's really done it now,
coked up, her body's all spun around,
oh yeah, yeah, she's really done it,
and seein' her just isn't something i can stomach,
back it up, back it up,
if you talkin' shit to me,
smack it up, smack it up,
if you act a bitch to me,
stack it up, stack it up,
if you fuckin' rich as me,
my daddy owns a dealership,
the rest is fuckin' history
this ain't a love song (oh no),
this ain't a broken heart homie singin' only 'cause he's lonely,
this ain't a love song (oh, no, no, no),
this ain't a whiskey-drowned ballad,
there ain't nothing here that's valid,
so tell me baby, pretty baby, that this house is not a graveyard,
tell me how to stay strong and carry you home,
over corpses of her long-lost fathers and her unborn daughters,
god dammit, i just can't do it alone
i can't do it alone,
i can't do it alone,
no, i can't do it alone
oh no, no, i'm not impressed with you,
pink drinks that seem to get the best of you,
rock late and sleep until the sun sets,
i'd talk but you took the tongue i talk with
back it up, back it up,
if you talkin' shit to me,
smack it up, smack it up,
if you act a bitch to me,
stack it up, stack it up,
if you fuckin' rich as me,
my daddy owns a dealership,
the rest is fuckin' history
this ain't a love song (oh no),
this ain't a broken heart homie singin' only 'cause he's lonely,
this ain't a love song (oh, no, no, no),
this ain't a whiskey-drowned ballad,
there ain't nothing here that's valid,
so tell me baby, pretty baby, that this house is not a graveyard,
tell me how to stay strong and carry you home,
over corpses of her long-lost fathers and her unborn daughters,
god dammit, i just can't do it alone
i can't do it alone,
i can't do it alone,
no, i can't do it alone
i can call you out and complain the rain is worse,
but it's that much better if i blame it on a person,
i can call you out and complain the rain is worse,
but it's that much better if i blame it on a person
so tell me baby, pretty baby,
that this house is not a graveyard,
tell me how to stay strong and carry you home,
over corpses of her long-lost fathers and her unborn daughters,
god dammit, i just can't do it alone
so tell me baby, pretty baby,
that this house is not a graveyard,
tell me how to stay strong and carry you home,
over corpses of her long-lost fathers and her unborn daughters,
god dammit, i just can't do it alone

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 20:20

应该是michael jackson的《you are not alone》

another day has gone
i'm still all alone
how could this be
you're not here with me
you never said goodbye
someone tell me why
did you have to go
and leave my world so cold

everyday i sit and ask myself
how did love slip away
something whispers in my ear and says
that you are not alone
for i am here with you
though you're far away
i am here to stay

but you are not alone
for i am here with you
though we're far apart
you're always in my heart
but you are not alone

lone lone~
why lone~

just the other night
i thought i heard you cry
asking me to come
and hold you in my arms
i can hear your prayers
your burdens i will bear
but first i need your hand
then forever can begin

everyday i sit and ask myself
how did love slip away
something whispers in my ear and says
that you are not alone
for i am here with you
though you're far away
i am here to stay
for you are not alone
for i am here with you
though we're far apart
you're always in my heart
for you are not alone

whisper three words and i'll come running
and girl you know that i'll be there
i'll be there

you are not alone
for i am here with you
though you're far away
i am here to stay
for you are not alone
for i am here with you
though we're far apart
you're always in my heart

for you are not alone
for i am here with you
though you're far away
i am here to stay

for you are not alone
for i am here with you
though we're far apart
you're always in my heart

for you are not alone...

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 20:25

答案已经 出来!!!↓

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 20:20

嗯,拼的差不多。但是是:you are not Alone。michael的。名字就是;you are not Alone。
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