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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 16:44



热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 18:20

抛弃父母一个国家的国王,颁布一条可怕的指令:“将所有上了年纪的人全部抛弃掉。” Parents, the king of a country abandoned to enact a terrible command: "all the people all of the older abandoned out."
有一个孝顺的儿子,在一个晴朗秋日,一边哭一边背着年迈的老父亲走向深山,老父亲一路上不停的瓣开树枝。 A filial son, in a sunny fall day, crying while carrying his aged father to the mountain, the old father along the way kept the valve open branches. 儿子问他做什么。 His son asked him to do. 老父亲说:“为儿子做回家路途的标记。”儿子无乱如何也不忍心就这样抛弃老父亲。 Old father said: "The road home for the son's tag." How could not bear his son in confusion on this abandoned old father. 于是在深山里盖了一个小屋然后才回去。 So in the mountains built a hut and then go back.
有一天,国王发出了一个告示,让人猜两匹马中哪一匹是老马,哪一匹是小马。 One day, the king issued a notice, people guess which of the two horses is a mare, which one is the pony. 那个孝顺的儿子觉得父亲一定知道父亲如何辨认,于是就来到山上。 The filial son that his father must know how to identify the father, so he went to the mountains.
从山上回来以后,他对国王说:“在两匹马中间放上稻草,先吃的那匹肯定是小马。” After returning from the mountain, he said to him: "put straw in the middle of the two horses, eat the Napi certainly pony."
接着,国王又发出第二条告示:“一根木头中间有一个小孔,看看谁能用线穿过那个小孔。”仔细一看那个小孔弯弯曲曲的。 Then, the King issued a second notice: "the middle of a piece of wood with holes, to see who could use the line through the hole." You look closely, the winding hole. 儿子又来向父亲请教。 Son came again to ask his father. 父亲说:“在木头的一端涂上红糖,然后把线绑在蜜蜂身上,再把蜜蜂放在木孔的另一端,然后儿子按照父亲说的做了。 Father said: "In one end of wood painted brown sugar, then tied bee line, then the bees on the other end of wooden hole, then according to the father said his son did.
国王非常高兴,国王说:“你这年青人懂的还真不少,你说你想要什么,我都会成全你。”儿子说:“那请你无乱如何收回抛弃年迈老人的承命吧。”国王听从了儿子的话。 The king was pleased, the king said: "You know it's really a lot of young people, you say what you want, I will give you your." His son said: "That you in confusion how to recover the abandoned elderly parent's commitment and pray, . "king listened to the son's words. 后来儿子和老父亲又过上像以前一样的幸福的生活。 Later, another son and old father to live like before the happy life.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 18:20


热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 18:21

Give parents
A country's King, promulgated a scary directive: "all older people all discarded. ”
There is a tiful son, in a sunny autumn day, crying carrying aged father towards the mountains, the old father a Aline flap open branches. Son asked him what to do. Old father said: "the road to son home. How about "no son also doesn't have the heart to just throw away old father. So in essences cover a cabin before it back.
One day, the King issued a notice to guess which of the two horse is a horse, which horse is the pony. The obedient son feel that the father must know how to identify, then came to the Hill.
After coming back from the mountains, he said: "the King in the middle of two horses, first on the straw to eat the horse must be a pony. ”
Next, the King issued a second notice: "a piece of wood with a hole to see who could use a thread through the small hole. "Take a look at the small winding. Son came to the father for advice. Father said: "in wood end coloured brown sugar, and then the line tied to bees and honey bees in hole on the other end, and then his son to follow his father said.
The King, the King said: "you young people understand really many, you said you wanted to, I'll let you. "Son said:" the Please don't mess how abandoned elderly man of bearing life. "The King followed son. Later, sons and fathers, as before on the happy life.
[Automatically translated by Microsoft® Translator]

热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 18:21

Abandon their parents
A country's king, a terrible command: "all older people all abandoned."
A filial son, in a sunny autumn, while carrying the old father cried to the mountains, the father of disc drive along the branches. The son asked him what to do. The father said: "for the son of the journey home do mark." How is not the son not bear it abandons the father. So in the mountains cover a cabin and then return.
One day, the king made a bulletin, let people guess which horse is of horses, a pony is old. The tiful son think father must know how to identify father, then go to the mountain.
After returning from the mountain, he said to the king, "in the middle of horses, eat straw before the horse must be pony."
Then the king gave 2 notice: "a stick a hole, see who can line through that little hole." A closer look that small winding. Son to father ask again. Father said: "at the end of brown sugar coated with wood, then the line in the bee bee, and on the other side of the hole on the wood, and in accordance with the father says the son.
The king was very glad, and the king said, "you are really understand this young man, you say what you want, and I will praise thee." Son: "that you not to take away the old man bearing life." The king said to the son. A father and son again later as before the happiness of life.
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