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...life is fun) 80词的英语作文 急求啊!考试用 谢谢了 重赏

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-18 08:16



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 10:35

When I was a small girl, our family was large, so we had to share beds and I ended up always sleeping with my older sister.

Around midnight, one Halloween night, we heard a noise. Back then no one kept their doors locked and we only had oil lamps for lights, so there was no light switch to turn off and on.

My sister could feel some one breathing on her, she screamed loud and my dad came running to the bedroom with a shot gun. A man ran out the door and hid out behind the big hay stacks in the field. My heart was thumping in my chest. We finely settled down and were about to go back to sleep, when we heard another noise. This time my dad fired his shot gun.

We didn’t know my brother was coming home late from his job that night. He had forgotten to tell my dad that he was going to be late. My dad missed my brother’s body by an inch. We thought he had killed my brother, because he fell to the floor in shock and was not aware someone had been in the house earlier. My dad had mistaken my brother for the one who was hiding behind the haystacks in the field!

I’ll always remember this horrifying night as long as I live!

I’m still scared to go out in the night!!

再来一篇Have a few minutes to spare? I never seemed to have enough time for anything during the past few years—or so I thought. The pace of everyday life consumed my thought processes. I was usually thinking ahead to what I had to do next and I still find a seemingly endless supply of old “to do” lists every time I turn around. Having been in school since I was five with little breaks in between, I always thought about how things would be once I finished school. Here I am at the end of my school career, and in an ironic way it is just the beginning.

I grew up complaining about school just as all kids do, counting down until I graduated from high school. It’s almost funny that I decided to become a teacher and work with kids in SCHOOL for the rest of my life! Visions of being a fun and brilliant teacher danced in my head as I imagined myself captivating the students and planning all sorts of fun activities and field trips. What creativity! What talent! What power! In reality, I have far to go before coming close to being such an idealistic teacher! In fact, I feel comfortable knowing that I will probably never be like the teacher in that vision, yet hopeful because there will always be something I can work towards.

I realize that my journey to this point has been a journey seeking empowerment, and I have found that empowerment. As a teacher, I am empowered to use my creative skills to help others. I am empowered to improve my teaching skills. I am empowered to make the world a little better. I am empowered to empower others.

I want this sense of empowerment to continue throughout my life. Learning empowers, and so I want to be a life-long learner. Learning without teaching others is like planting a seed that never grows, and so I want to be a life-long teacher as well. I know that as a teacher and a learner I, just as everyone else, have strengths and weaknesses. To discover strength is always rewarding because it gives me a sense of accomplishment. To discover weakness should still be rewarding in the long term, because acceptance and subsequent action brings me one step closer to being a better person.

As time passes day by day, it is hard to look back at my regrets and encouraging to look back at my successes. I look ahead and try to motivate myself to do the best that I know I can as I encourage others to do the same. When I think about my future plans, I see a sea of possibilities. Teaching full time or part time, continuing to grow as an educator, using my skills to teach the children I hope to have, finding a mentor, serving as a mentor, etc. I guess it all depends on what is in store for me. The choices I make are like footsteps in the walk of life. They lead to where I’m meant to be, and I hope and pray that in my journey I will be guided from above.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 10:34


热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 10:28

Summer vacation I went to three aunt's house to play. After a few days, there was a funny thing, we are to have a meal, my nephew CSL jun let me three aunt hello to eat, three aunt a hello, jun jun is disorderly wipe, wipe the face is rice, made my mouth of rice almost spray out. Pretty handsome sometimes he climbed up the tea table, in the above its foot shuttlecock, you take him down, and he went up, you can hold down, he will go up, flounder you can't. Three aunt will every day the air good water on the tea table, have a pretty good thirsty, he put his hand into his is to, take out, sucked on the water. Life is always full of fun, so the life is full
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