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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 19:59



热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 20:10

Hello!Boys and Girls,my name is Bai Xue.My English name is xindi.I'm 9 years old.I'm in grade 7 clss 1.Please look my family photo,these are my grandfather and grandmother,those are my father and mother,my father's name is Bai Song.He is an English teacher.My mother's name is Xu Yun.She is an English teacher,too.She is very love my father and me.She likes cooking.This is my family.I very like it.(有可能有的词语打错了,见谅!)

热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 20:10

Hello!Boys and Girls,my name is Bai Xue.My English name is xindi.I'm 9 years old.I'm in grade 7 clss 1.Please look my family photo,these are my grandfather and grandmother,those are my father and mother,my father's name is Bai Song.He is an English teacher.My mother's name is Xu Yun.She is an English teacher,too.She is very love my father and me.She likes cooking.This is my family.I very like it.(有可能有的词语打错了,见谅!)

热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 20:11

Hello, girls and boys! My name is Baixue, and my English name is Xindi. I am in class 1, grade 7. Please look at my families' photos; they are my grandpa, grandma,and those are my parents. My father is Baisong, and he is an English teacher; my mother is Xuyun, and she is an English teacher too. My mother love me and my father very much, and she also like to make meals. This is my family, and I love it very much!

Solomon's Answer...

热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 20:11

hello,boys and girls, my name is Baixue,my English name is Cindy,I'm nine years old,I'm in Class one Grade seven. Look, these are my family photoes, these are my grandparents and these are my parents. My father's name is Baisong,he is an English teacher.My mother's name is Xuyun.She is an English teacher too.She loves my father and me .She also likes cooking .This is my family,I love it very much

热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 20:11

Hello, girls and boys! My name is Baixue, and my English name is Xindi. I am in class 1, grade 7. Please look at my families' photos; they are my grandpa, grandma,and those are my parents. My father is Baisong, and he is an English teacher; my mother is Xuyun, and she is an English teacher too. My mother love me and my father very much, and she also like to make meals. This is my family, and I love it very much!

Solomon's Answer...

热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 20:11

hello,boys and girls, my name is Baixue,my English name is Cindy,I'm nine years old,I'm in Class one Grade seven. Look, these are my family photoes, these are my grandparents and these are my parents. My father's name is Baisong,he is an English teacher.My mother's name is Xuyun.She is an English teacher too.She loves my father and me .She also likes cooking .This is my family,I love it very much

热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 20:10

Hello!Boys and Girls,my name is Bai Xue.My English name is xindi.I'm 9 years old.I'm in grade 7 clss 1.Please look my family photo,these are my grandfather and grandmother,those are my father and mother,my father's name is Bai Song.He is an English teacher.My mother's name is Xu Yun.She is an English teacher,too.She is very love my father and me.She likes cooking.This is my family.I very like it.(有可能有的词语打错了,见谅!)

热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 20:10

Hello!Boys and Girls,my name is Bai Xue.My English name is xindi.I'm 9 years old.I'm in grade 7 clss 1.Please look my family photo,these are my grandfather and grandmother,those are my father and mother,my father's name is Bai Song.He is an English teacher.My mother's name is Xu Yun.She is an English teacher,too.She is very love my father and me.She likes cooking.This is my family.I very like it.(有可能有的词语打错了,见谅!)

热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 20:10

Hello!Boys and Girls,my name is Bai Xue.My English name is xindi.I'm 9 years old.I'm in grade 7 clss 1.Please look my family photo,these are my grandfather and grandmother,those are my father and mother,my father's name is Bai Song.He is an English teacher.My mother's name is Xu Yun.She is an English teacher,too.She is very love my father and me.She likes cooking.This is my family.I very like it.(有可能有的词语打错了,见谅!)

热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 20:11

Hello, girls and boys! My name is Baixue, and my English name is Xindi. I am in class 1, grade 7. Please look at my families' photos; they are my grandpa, grandma,and those are my parents. My father is Baisong, and he is an English teacher; my mother is Xuyun, and she is an English teacher too. My mother love me and my father very much, and she also like to make meals. This is my family, and I love it very much!

Solomon's Answer...

热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 20:11

hello,boys and girls, my name is Baixue,my English name is Cindy,I'm nine years old,I'm in Class one Grade seven. Look, these are my family photoes, these are my grandparents and these are my parents. My father's name is Baisong,he is an English teacher.My mother's name is Xuyun.She is an English teacher too.She loves my father and me .She also likes cooking .This is my family,I love it very much

热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 20:11

Hello, girls and boys! My name is Baixue, and my English name is Xindi. I am in class 1, grade 7. Please look at my families' photos; they are my grandpa, grandma,and those are my parents. My father is Baisong, and he is an English teacher; my mother is Xuyun, and she is an English teacher too. My mother love me and my father very much, and she also like to make meals. This is my family, and I love it very much!

Solomon's Answer...

热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 20:11

hello,boys and girls, my name is Baixue,my English name is Cindy,I'm nine years old,I'm in Class one Grade seven. Look, these are my family photoes, these are my grandparents and these are my parents. My father's name is Baisong,he is an English teacher.My mother's name is Xuyun.She is an English teacher too.She loves my father and me .She also likes cooking .This is my family,I love it very much

热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 20:11

Hello, girls and boys! My name is Baixue, and my English name is Xindi. I am in class 1, grade 7. Please look at my families' photos; they are my grandpa, grandma,and those are my parents. My father is Baisong, and he is an English teacher; my mother is Xuyun, and she is an English teacher too. My mother love me and my father very much, and she also like to make meals. This is my family, and I love it very much!

Solomon's Answer...

热心网友 时间:2023-11-08 20:11

hello,boys and girls, my name is Baixue,my English name is Cindy,I'm nine years old,I'm in Class one Grade seven. Look, these are my family photoes, these are my grandparents and these are my parents. My father's name is Baisong,he is an English teacher.My mother's name is Xuyun.She is an English teacher too.She loves my father and me .She also likes cooking .This is my family,I love it very much

Could you please translate it for me?


1、very likely很有可能 2、the stars say no星星说不 3、cannot foretell now现在还不能预告 4、so it shall be可能会 5、focus and ask again集中精神再问一次 6、chances aren't good机会不好,情况不太妙 7、absolutely一定,确定 8、consult me later过一会再问我 9、unlikely不太可能 10...


They have begun their trip (a)round the world .有很多词组,随便用啦~~~环游世界 [ huán yóu shì jiè ]travel round the world go on a tour round the world take a round-the-world tour 1: He told me to go to his home next time.2: Do you like this work?3: Finally...


I am doing my homework.我妹妹正在讲电话。my sister is talking to the phone.我爷爷在看报纸。my grandfathere is reading newspaper.我爸妈在客厅看电视。My father and mother is watching TV in the living room.我非常喜欢这张照片。I like this photo very much.今晚像任何其它夜晚一样。To...


Oh,Diane and I went for a drive in the country on Saturday.哦,周六我和戴安娜开车到乡间兜风去了。That sounds nice.Where did you go?听起来不错哦。你们去了哪里?We drove to the lake and had a picnic.We had a great time!How about you?Did you do anything special?我们开车去...


英语老师角得如此之差。I am so sad that I can't living 我悲伤得活不下去了。always want to die...总是想死...I just can say so ...我只能这样说...```How sad I am now ```我现在是多么的悲伤啊!But don't worry !!Because 但是别担心!因为 ...English I love you ......


through...and through... 一遍又一遍 Didn't want to feel the wind of depression,本没想到会感到如此地消沉 and will never give my heart to another person.我的心也不会交给第二个人 Tend to think that time could heal,心想:时间可以愈合我心里的创伤。tortured .. struggled...我被折...


1.A: I've come to say goodbye.我是来告别的 B: When are you off?你什么时候动身?A: I'm flying home on Sunday afternoon.星期天下午我就乘飞机回家了。B: Well, goodbye. See you soon.那么,再见。希望很快见到你。A: Please don't forget to say goodbye to the rest of the ...

帮我翻译成英语一下谢谢! 大家好!我叫XXX我来自XXX地方。我家里有三...

since like this major, so come to Beijing to learn accounting, now holding accounting qualification certificate, and now I'm ready to get higher certificate to. I also like English, I learn English in order to better consolidate the knowledge of English after work can be on and ...

帮我翻译一下 英语 谢谢啊

译文如下:More and more people have their own cars, and less people rode bike to work. We should encourage more people to ride a bike. Riding a bicycle is the good way to keep healthy. It is convenience, because bicycle parking than other vehicles requires less space. Riding a...

帮我翻译一下英文 请你帮帮我用英语怎么翻译 帮我学英语的英文翻译 你能帮我学英语吗翻译 她经常帮助我学英语怎么翻译 帮我学英语用英语怎么说 帮我翻译英文 我可以帮你做什么吗英文翻译 我帮助他学英语英文
word文档如何取消第一个字母大写? queen是啥意思queen是什么意思中文如何回复 我是油性头发,头发也脱得可以看见头皮了,头顶尤其少,发质细而柔软,请问... 王者荣耀战绩清零卡是什么王者荣耀战绩清零卡还出 为什么cf里我用了杀敌死亡清零卡,强退清零卡,战绩胜负清零卡,我的误... 逆战战绩清零卡使用后怎样 战绩清零卡的作用是?详细点哈, 我头发不油,但头皮很油,并且头发很少,尤其是头顶后脑勺那里,并且头发很... 本人头发天生少 细 爱掉 还容易油 有头皮屑,请问有办法解决么_百度知 ... 一个圆圆饼猜生肖数字 大悦城里什么好吃 大悦城有什么好吃的? mother++fox++those++hello++有几种读音? 汉译英:妈妈刚才夸你好有福气,找了这么个能干善解人意的男人。他哪是人啊,简直是战神! Hello Kitty的妈妈是谁噢? 壮族妈妈你好怎么说? 妈妈你好的英语 深水河道可以养河虾吗 舟山大黄鱼的舟山大黄鱼深海养殖 哪里有深海养鱼网箱啊?谢谢 深水网箱能在河道上养鱼吗? 深海网箱养鱼600平方米大概养多少条黄鱼 中国联塑的海洋养殖网箱可以用在哪,有什么优势吗? 中国的深海养鱼只能进口网箱吗? 中国在50m的深海里造大鱼塘深蓝一号,为了养殖什么? 深海网箱到底好不好? 为什么我拨出的文玩核桃是黑色的 北京市北京北纬四十度大酒店怎么样?有什么好玩的地方? 请给我举一些奢侈品的牌子(尽量详细) 遵义市赤水四度大酒店怎么样?有什么好玩的地方? 英语作文 My mother 各位大大们 吾辈相信你^^ 会英语的人来?hello! thisismyfather回答hello对吗? 杭州有什么好吃的,最好可以带回家 杭州城里好吃的地方有哪些? 杭州大悦城怎么样? 公司即将准备一次比赛,需要买1个一等奖和2个二等奖的奖品,共计价格在500左右,不知道买什么比较实用 公司活动比赛奖品要选择电子产品,要准备14人左右的,预算合计5000内,可以买什么呢? 公司要办个羽毛球比赛,小奖品的预算是30元/件左右,买点什么好呢?求发链接,谢谢。 多给点韩语怎么说 给彩礼的时候女方家说多给点要怎么回答好 多给点组词 平安银行标准信用卡JCB金卡需要年费吗? 等你有钱了,多给点吧,这个话怎么回 多给点小费韩语怎么说中文音译 关联词 多给点 tf家族快乐大本营哪一期 好听的歌有哪些?(多给点) 冷笑话,多给点 中学生周记。多给点。