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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 20:10



热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 07:50

In order to better design and development of provincial-level eco-town - Chan Onn Township website front, the main access to this article to understand the local government web sites and the ecological status of the development of the site and found that China's ecological construction of the site content is not enough, there are still rich, does not fully reflect the department or the local image; resources, lack of integration, has not yet formed the system of information resources portal; service function of the lack of, communication problems and a lack of interactive features on these issues the corresponding solutions. Pointed out that China should be based on eco-instrial ecology and ecological principles of economic law, the formation of two ecologically and economically virtuous circle,
Economic, ecological and social unity of the three major benefits.

热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 07:50

Abstract: In order to better design and development of provincial-level eco-town - Chan Onn Township website front, the main access to this article to understand the local government web sites and the ecological status of the development of the site and found that China's ecological construction of the site content is not enough, there are still rich, does not fully reflect the department or the local image; resources, lack of integration, has not yet formed the system of information resources portal; service function of the lack of, communication problems and a lack of interactive features on these issues the corresponding solutions. Pointed out that China should be based on eco-instrial ecology and ecological principles of economic law, the formation of two ecologically and economically virtuous circle,
Economic, ecological and social unity of the three major benefits.

热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 07:51

In order to better design and development of provincial-level eco-town - Chan Onn Township website front, the main access to this article to understand the local government web sites and the ecological status of the development of the site and found that China's ecological construction of the site content is not enough, there are still rich, not fully reflect the department or the local image; resources, lack of integration, has not yet formed the system of information resources portal; service function of the lack of, communication problems and a lack of interactive features on these issues the corresponding solutions. Pointed out that China should be based on eco-instrial ecology and ecological principles of economic law, the formation of two ecologically and economically virtuous circle of economic, ecological and social unity of the three major benefits.

Key words: ecology, site construction, eco-instrial

热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 07:51

little thinking about what happened to "koung fu" television star david carridine who as found hung in bangkok,and then i find that a david medina,owner of creek side pharmacy in santa rosa california has been stalking me and my girlfriend for more than 17 years ever since this david medina seced my girlfriend before and that he coveted my and came to stalk ever his,i gather after the affair or affairs were learned of by amy hughes medina conspired to have me eliminated in a particu larly a malicious sort-of-plot
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