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...写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Halloween(万圣节...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-23 06:56



热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 10:30

From the passage we know that in recent years in the United States, Holloween has developed
into a significant international activity, when children collect money for needy children throughout the
world for UNICEF.
     After reading the passage, I feel quite comforted that Halloween has developed into a sinifican
t international activity to collect money for the poor children aroud the world. In this way I am sure
more and more poor children, especially those in Africa and Asia, will be given financial aid and live
a better and better life.
As for me , I will donate my pockey money to the poor children around me. Also I will try my best
to persuade people around me to show their loving hearts for the needy children.
     In my view, to help poor children, joint efforts from charities, enterprises and individuals are
needed. First of all, charities should collect money for the needy children. Besides, enterprises and
individuals should do what they can to provide support. What’s more, the United Nations should
do its best to help the poor countries to develop their economy so that there are less and less poor
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