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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-23 08:40



热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 23:06

The times progress has been that development of society's fad and tidal current has establish deep detail , has been fraught with a basis also for mobile telephone necessity and significance. Mobile telephone is that the whole world burns to appreciation of the beauty cultural exchange coacervation , is also modern fad the tidal current bearing picket. Have shown the way progress and , originally have unfolded in time of graduation practice, people writing to "consummate" insisting on by the course that opponent machine develops. And union clothing fad , the mobile telephone fad, showing using unique one design elegant , spreads "harmonious society, culture the fad melting together" is vigorous. And pass opponent machine fad the element investigation and discussion, guide people fad to be concretize , detail-rization, have displayed one kind of brand-new fad angle. Have also wielded innovative way, that this differentiates "X" platform completely having expressed rational FOAK among "T" platform stage leading-in performance, is the fad cradle idea. Appeal that people distinguishes the make of to fad in blind being carried along by the tide. Have laid on lamp light , music , performer's appearing on the scene on the stage way , model etc. at the same time meticulously, soul let wind of fad flick an audience. Let this have a thinking's and viewing and admiring process , taking to get rid of brand-new fad body thought for audience.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 23:07


热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 23:07

The progress of the times for the fashion and trend of social development has laid a solid foundation, as well as the necessity and importance of cell phones gave birth to the foundation. Is the world's cell phones are on the aesthetic focal point of cultural exchange as well as the benchmark of modern fashion trend. The Graduation Project, through the course of the development of mobile phones, and display the progress of the way, to show people for the "perfect" dedication. And combination of fashion apparel, fashion mobile phone with a unique design of the display show the spread of a "harmonious society, and cultural harmony," the spirit of fashion. And through mobile phone element of fashion, fashion guide people to specific details, and show a new point of view of fashion. Also used in innovative ways, will be "X" totally different from Taiwan that "T" into a stage for performances of Taiwan, the expression of innovation is a reasonable idea of the cradle of fashion. It will appeal to the understanding of the distinction between fashion in the blind drift. At the same time, carefully arranged for the stage lighting, music, performers out of the way of modeling, so that the winds of fashion the hearts of the audience the breeze. And to watch this process of reflection, to bring viewers a new body to study fashion.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 23:06

The progress of the times for the fashion and trend of social development has laid a solid foundation, as well as the necessity and importance of cell phones gave birth to the foundation. Is the world's cell phones are on the aesthetic focal point of cultural exchange as well as the benchmark of modern fashion trend. The Graduation Project, through the course of the development of mobile phones, and display the progress of the way, to show people for the "perfect" dedication. And combination of fashion apparel, fashion mobile phone with a unique design of the display show the spread of a "harmonious society, and cultural harmony," the spirit of fashion. And through mobile phone element of fashion, fashion guide people to specific details, and show a new point of view of fashion. Also used in innovative ways, will be "X" totally different from Taiwan that "T" into a stage for performances of Taiwan, the expression of innovation is a reasonable idea of the cradle of fashion. It will appeal to the understanding of the distinction between fashion in the blind drift. At the same time, carefully arranged for the stage lighting, music, performers out of the way of modeling, so that the winds of fashion the hearts of the audience the breeze. And to watch this process of reflection, to bring viewers a new body to study fashion
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