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我写了一篇历史虚拟论文(historical narrative)谁能帮我看看啊!我觉得...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-23 01:27



热心网友 时间:2024-11-09 17:29

“Come back, daddy!” He remembered that his daughter was telling him with her big, soft eyes pleading him. He remembered clearly that looking straight into her eyes and said confidently, “I promise.” He smiled and gave her a big hug, and he left. He was one of the members in Force 136.

All Bong Leong felt was only pain. A searing, wretched pain, so unthinkable and unbearable, he recalled his promise. He didn’t want to die; he was struggling, struggled to breathe, struggled to stand up, struggled to return to his family and struggled not to break his promise. But it was useless at the moment.

The smell of the gun powder lingered in the air. Smoke from the cannons made it difficult to see the enemy. All around him, comrades were falling down onto the ground, with big red stains on their chests. The grenade was being thrown. Soon after, those grenades rocked on the ground beneath him, and were causing him to quiver even more. The grenade blew up a deep hole into the earth, and a couple of men shoot up into the air, with blood splattered out of their bodies. He could feel the fire burning inside him. He threw a few grenades to the Japs and continued to fire them with his musket.

When he reached the front line, he saw a man wiggling on the ground near the bush. His sympathy took control and he trotted over to the fallen soldier. "Comrade, are you ok?" He knelt next to him and realized that the soldier wasn’t wiggling, but writhing. He was writhing in pain he could not invoke the courage to imagine. Bong Leong's jaw dropped as he noticed the blood seeped through the soldier's clothes and onto his hands. The soldier coughed and a familiar metallic taste gathered on Bong Leong's tongue; the blood of a dying comrade. The soldier reached up and grabbed Bong Leong's shirt.

"Sav...sa..ve me..'' He tried to speak, and Bong Leong quickly closed his mouth, trying to avoid another bitterness mishap. Before the soldier had time to take another breath, a bullet whizzed through the air and entered his chest. His eyes grew dark, his hands became clammy, and Bong Leong watched as his life was slowly being sucked away.

Bong Leong was running, the red fury surged his eyeballs and pounded his ears. He was running, yelling like a fiend, lugging his musket awkwardly. He felt the first bullet punched into his shoulder, he was lurched and almost fell. But he kept running. The second bullet caught his opposite arm and he shunned drunkenly. He continued to run. The grenade came from behind, landing at his feet. He stared at it vacantly for a moment with an interminable instant panic .The ground beneath his feet exploded and he was sent to the crimson stained grass.(he was thrown onto the crimson stained grass.)

A moment later, the enemy showed up. The figure knelt down near him with an evil grin spread across his demonic face. He raised the barrel of his gun to Bong Leong's head and after a loud bang, the promise is broken forever.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-09 17:30

我最近在忙写中文论文了 没想到你还来个 英文论文 头痛啊 头痛啊

热心网友 时间:2024-11-09 17:31

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