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T-Pain的《Say It》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-23 01:56



热心网友 时间:2024-11-04 08:46

歌曲名:Say It
专辑:Rappa Ternt Sanga

The Network - Say It
why you walkin shy over there girl
I know you really aint that way girl
so why wont you come and talk to me
wanna hear what you say
coz I can tell you got some game
your friend already told me that you said
you wanna get to know me, heres the chance
dont really wanna embaress you while your wit your crew
baby tell me is this true
eh, what I like is a girl who can speak her mind, instead of wasting time
girl theres nothing more then u turning me on then a girl whos good to say what she wants
eh, ima give you my number and see if you call
so dont wait too long girl
baby dont you disappoint me
if your bossy n girl tell me whats it ganna be
then why wont you say it, why wont you say it
can you really tell me what you want, what you really really want from me
if you wanna cup of coffee what you like dont diss I be the treasure when you change your mind
then why wont you say it, why wont you say it
can you really tell me what you want, what you really really want from me
dont be shy theres no reason to act like that im the type of de that can attack
so why wont you say it
why you hiding your face girl
you wanting me to come that way girl
and then you stop n stare
and take the pressure all off you
but I thought that im what you want so
ima be cool until you come holla at me
ima treat you like a queen suppose to be
you aint even gotta ask, im here what you think
eh, what I like is a girl who can speak her mind, instead of wasting time
girl theres nothing more then u turning me on then a girl whos good to say what she wants
eh, ima give you my number and see if you call
so dont wait too long girl
baby dont you disappoint me
if your bossy n girl tell me whats it ganna be
then why wont you say it, why wont you say it
can you really tell me what you want, what you really really want from me
if you wanna cup of coffee what you like dont diss I be the treasure when you change your mind
then why wont you say it, why wont you say it
can you really tell me what you want, what you really really want from me
dont be shy theres no reason to act like that im the type of de that can attack
so why wont you say it
then why wont you say it, why wont you say it
can you really tell me what you want, what you really really want from me
if you wanna cup of coffee what you like dont diss I be the treasure when you change your mind
then why wont you say it, why wont you say it
can you really tell me what you want, what you really really want from me
dont be shy theres no reason to act like that im the type of de that can attack
so why wont you say it
then why wont you say it, why wont you say it
can you really tell me what you want, what you really really want from me
if you wanna cup of coffee what you like dont diss I be the treasure when you change your mind
then why wont you say it, why wont you say it
can you really tell me what you want, what you really really want from me
dont be shy theres no reason to act like that im the type of de that can attack
so why wont you say it

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