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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-23 06:17



热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 15:17

Pennisetum seeds of wild and wild Eragrostis there are varying degrees of seed dormancy characteristics of [13]. The use of chemical reagents on the grass to deal effectively break their dormancy, in order to clear the wild Pennisetum Eragrostis seeds and seed germination characteristics, determined to promote both the growth of grass seed germination and effective way to wild Pennisetum and Eragrostis large seed production and provide a basis to promote the use of this test, mainly through chemical reagents soaking, combined with a certain degree of mechanical processing, so as to achieve to break the dormancy of seed dormancy and promote germination and growth of its purpose. And then the two different turfgrass seed germination tests conducted, results show that: 0.1 percent concentration of hydrogen peroxide concentration of 0.01% of the "Bi-care" and the concentration of 0.29 percent for the "God LU Hong Lu," The three kinds of reagents soaking treatment can significantly improve the wild Pennisetum and Eragrostis seed germination and growth of 0.10 percent by the concentration of the soaking H2O2 solution, then 0.29% concentration of the "God LU Hong Lu" after soaking solution, wild Pennisetum Eragrostis seeds and seed germination energy, germination percentage, germination index, root length and were significantly higher than control to deal with the seeds, but also to varying degrees higher than the other chemical reagents used to deal with the seeds, rapid germination and tidy. Thus, concentration of 0.10% solution of H2O2 treatment, and then the concentration of 0.0029 "Lu LU Hong God" can serve as a solution to deal with and to break the wild Pennisetum Eragrostis seed dormancy and promote germination and growth of the reagents suitable for soaking approach.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 15:18

Pennisetum seeds of wild and wild Eragrostis there are varying degrees of seed dormancy characteristics of [13]. The use of chemical reagents on the grass to deal effectively break their dormancy, in order to clear the wild Pennisetum Eragrostis seeds and seed germination characteristics, determined to promote both the growth of grass seed germination and effective way to wild Pennisetum and Eragrostis large seed production and provide a basis to promote the use of this test, mainly through chemical reagents soaking, combined with a certain degree of mechanical processing, so as to achieve to break the dormancy of seed dormancy and promote germination and growth of its purpose. And then the two different turfgrass seed germination tests conducted, results show that: 0.1 percent concentration of hydrogen peroxide concentration of 0.01% of the "Bi-care" and the concentration of 0.29 percent for the "God LU Hong Lu," The three kinds of reagents soaking treatment can significantly improve the wild Pennisetum and Eragrostis seed germination and growth of 0.10 percent by the concentration of the soaking H2O2 solution, then 0.29% concentration of the "God LU Hong Lu" after soaking solution, wild Pennisetum Eragrostis seeds and seed germination energy, germination percentage, germination index, root length and were significantly higher than control to deal with the seeds, but also to varying degrees higher than the other chemical reagents used to deal with the seeds, rapid germination and tidy. Thus, concentration of 0.10% solution of H2O2 treatment, and then the concentration of 0.0029 "Lu LU Hong God" can serve as a solution to deal with and to break the wild Pennisetum Eragrostis seed dormancy and promote germination and growth of the reagents suitable for soaking approach.
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