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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-23 06:17



热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 13:16

With the development of the market economy, enterprises increasingly fierce competition among real estate enterprises to reduce procurement costs and improve efficiency of procurement and other pressures. Procurement management is the real estate development enterprises an important part of cost control. Centralized purchasing scale enterprises to purchase the additional profits the industry is already a consensus-based national group of real estate companies used to focus the majority of procurement management, integration and effective control of the group all kinds of resources to play a scale purchasing advantages. However, the domestic real estate enterprises lag behind the general means of information processing, centralized purchasing and management of the need for implementation of the norms, efficiency and transparency of the management of centralized purchasing of information technology has been included in the large-scale real estate business major upgrade plan, with a view to the adoption of Information technology to stimulate enterprises to the industry, and professional development.
In this paper, first of all the real estate industry on the current status of the procurement management and development trend analysis, introduced the well-known domestic procurement management software. To Hong Kong real estate group for business background, combined with corporate procurement cases the status quo, analysis of the real estate business to focus procurement management applications. Based on the needs of enterprise business processes from the centralized purchasing, procurement management system, system planning, business-critical control, price management, inventory management, supplier management, and other aspects of the Group's businesses focus on procurement management information system applications Study design, and business intelligence systems for management decision-making statements in support of the management carried out a detailed application design, finally, to business case based on the design of the system to implement an effective program.
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