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热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 07:38

OPAC其实不是新玩艺儿,可以说是图书馆的老技术了。1998年,IFLA曾经发表了一个有关OPAC的guidelines, 大家如果有兴趣可以点击这里下载。这个guidelines可以说是一个标准,阐述了OPAC的基本要素和信息组织原理,是有很大的指导意义和实用价值。随着WEB的兴起,WebPac,或者说WPAC成为图书馆OPAC的主流。Web 的兴起对OPAC的影响是巨大的,一方面,Web为OPAC提供了一种新的平台,使得OPAC更加通用化,标准化。另一方面,Web又为OPAC提供了一个新的信息环境,使得OPAC的功能扩展到图书馆以外,成为一个信息整合器。也就是说,OPAC提供的不仅仅是本图书馆资源的查询功能,而且还将图书馆以外的数字资源也整合到OPAC中来了,这是目前国外图书馆OPAC的一个大趋势。下图就是一个图书馆的OPAC整合D-Lib电子期刊的例子。

第二个趋势是,越来越多的图书馆将自己的OPAC 和WorldCat连接起来,这样,用户通过WorldCat就可以连接到本图书馆的OPAC上,大大方便了馆际互借。在研究方面,一个重要的研究内容是OPAC的可用性研究和OPAC测评,这可以说是一个研究热点,下面我罗列了一些我觉得有意思的关于OPAC的研究论文。

1. Title: OPAC usability: assessment through verbal protocol

Author: Guha, Tamal Kumar; Saraf, Veena

Source: Electronic Library; 23 (4) 2005, pp.463-473


Purpose: This study aims to investigate how participants have interacted ring the execution of Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) searches, and whether they were satisfied or dissatisfied or confused. Design/methodology/approach: This is based on a sample of 18 OPAC users of the British Council Library in Kolkata. Findings: While implementing the verbal protocol method this study has developed a scheme of coding with the help of which the protocol data were analysed and proposed a generic model of online catalogue searching process flow. It is suggested that the method has a great potential in library and information science research. Originality/value: The paper suggests that the method has a great potential in library and information science research. (Original abstract)

2. Title: The impact of Web search engines on subject searching in OPAC

Author: Young, Margo; Yu, Holly

Source: Information Technology and Libraries; 23 (4) Dec 2004, pp.168-180


This paper analyzes the results of transaction logs at California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA) and studies the effects of implementing a Web-based OPAC along with interface changes. The authors find that user success in subject searching remains problematic. A major increase in the frequency of searches that would have been more successful in resources other than the library catalog is noted over the time period 2000-2002. The authors attribute this increase to the prevalence of Web search engines and suggest that metasearching, relevance-ranked results, and relevance feedback ("more like this") are now expected in user searching and should be integrated into online catalogs as search options. (Original abstract)

3. Title: Heuristic-based user interface evaluation at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore

Author: Foo, Schubert; Peng, Lew Kan; Ramaiah, Chennupati K

Source: Program; 38 (1) 2004, pp.42-59


This paper presents the results of a heuristic-based user interface evaluation of the gateway to electronic media services (GEMS) system at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. GEMS provides access to multimedia resources, bibliographic information, electronic document management, selective dissemination of information (SDI), booking of facilities, and several other services. Results of an evaluation of GEMS, based on Nielsen's ten-user interface heuristics involving 88 students, are described. Details of a separate task-based study, involving 52 other participants, of the University's OPAC interface are also given as a means to compare GEMS with the OPAC in terms of usability, task performance and other factors. (Original abstract)

4. Title: OPAC vs card catalogue: a comparative study of user behaviour

Author: Sridhar, M S

Source: Electronic Library; 22 (2) 2004, pp.175-183


Even though use studies of card catalogues are quite rare, use of online public access catalogues (OPACs) has been extensively investigated since early 1980s. Yet there are not many attempts to conct comparative studies highlighting the differences in use of card catalogues and OPACs of the same library and user population. This paper reports an attempt made to study use of the OPAC of ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC) library and compare the results with the findings of the study of use of card catalogue of the same library concted 17 years ago. The paper not only brings various aspects of user behaviour about OPAC but also depicts the differences in user behaviour as well as the effects of technological changes from card catalogue (manual system) to OPAC (automated system). (Original abstract)

5. Title: Using the library's OPAC to dynamically generate webpages for e-journals

Author: Cheng, Daisy T; Paul, Kathryn; Romaniuk, Elena

Source: Serials Librarian; 46 (3/4) 2004, pp.301-308


Electronic journals are being added to library collections at exponential rates. Kathryn Paul and Elena Romaniuk shared their experiences with the audience on how to provide electronic journal access to the users of their libraries. The workshop included a brief introction of the University of Victoria and its libraries, the context of the project, its rationale, and a detailed explanation of the methodologies with emphases on planning, policies, processes, and systems. They then examined the challenges they faced and will still be facing. They concluded that their users loved the easy access to the electronic journals. An online demonstration was given at the end of the presentation. Copies of this article are available for a fee from the Haworth Document Delivery Service (Original abstract)

6. Title: Subject searching in the OPAC of a special library: problems and issues

Author: Sridhar, M S

Source: OCLC Systems and Services; 20 (4) 2004, pp.183-191


This paper draws on data from a comparative study of use of the online public access catalogue (OPAC) and the card catalogue of the ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC) library, and examines the steady decline in the use of subject searching by end-users and the associated problems and issues. It presents data to highlight the negligible use of Boolean operators and combination searches, variations in descriptors assigned to books of the same class numbers, and too many records tagged to very broad descriptors. The article concludes that moving from a traditional card catalogue to a modern OPAC has not made subject searching more attractive or effective. (Original abstract)

7. Title: URLs in the OPAC: Integrating or disintegrating research libraries' catalogs

Author: Burke, Gerald; Germain, Carol Anne; Van Ullen, Mary K

Source: Journal of Academic Librarianship; 29 (5) Sep 2003, pp.290-297


Research library catalogues serve as authoritative sources of access. The increasing practice of including Web sites in the catalogue, resources not under the library's control, raises new issues of the catalogue's accuracy and reliability. An analysis of Association of Research Libraries (ARL) libraries' catalogues examined the persistence of catalogued URLs. Error rates ranged from a low of 0 percent to an unacceptable high of 58.33%. (Original abstract)

8. Title: Using a Web OPAC to deliver digital collections

Author: Mathias, Eileen C

Source: Online Information Review; 27 (1) 2003, pp.28-36


The Ewell Sale Stewart Library of the Academy of Natural Sciences has just completed a major digital imaging project. This article describes the project, options that were considered for Web delivery of images and text, and reasons for choosing Innovative Interfaces, Inc.'s image management function. The article includes a description of the data entry process as well as a review of the Millennium Media management proct, which will be available through Innovative later this year. Evolving image metadata standards are also discussed.


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