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1 He didn't leave until he ___(看完小说).

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-01 16:29



热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 09:26

1、He didn't leave until he (finished reading the novel, 看完小说).
2、Keep the window open until it (rains) .
3、He preferred buying a new computer to (mending) it.
4、万事开头难.(Everything has) a hard (beginning) .
5、What the boy said (sounds resonable,听起来有道理).
6、If you (see) him tomorrow, please ask him if he (will go sightseeing,去观光) with us.
7、He just kept (nodding,点头) without (saying a word说一句话).
8、I can't decide whether(to take the pills,服用药丸)or not.
9、His (death) was a great loss to the whole world.
10、It is one of the (most exciting) (trips) I have ever had.
11、The case needs (painting).
12、我很熟悉这风景。I am very familiar with the scenery.= The scenery is very familiar to me.
13、My hair wants (cutting).追问第十三题为什么填 cutting?

追答want to do,想要做某事。但那是主动语态的。头发和剪是被动关系,want doing可以表示需要被……。

热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 09:27

finished reading the novel



Everything has    ... beginning

sounds reasonable

see   ...will go sightseeing

nodding  ...saying a word

to take the pill


most exciting trips

painting / to be painted

i'm familiar with the senery.= The senery is familiar to me.

to be cut

热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 09:27

saw out the novel



everything has    step

sounds have reasons

see will visit

noding saying a word

take the pill


exciting trip


I am very with the landscape

to cut

热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 09:28

1 He didn't leave until he _______finished reading the novel______(看完小说).

2 Keep the window open until it ___rains___. (rain)

3 He preferred buying a new computer to _____mending______ (mend) it.

4 万事开头难
_____Everything____ ___has___ a hard ____beginning____ .

5 What the boy said _____sounded reasonable______.(听起来有道理)

6 .If you ____see____(see)him tomorrow, please ask him if he_____will go to visit_____(去观光) with us

7.He just kept ____nodding____(点头)without ____saying a word____.(说一句话)

8.I can't decide whether_____to take the pills_____(服用药丸)or not.

9.His ___death___(die) was a great loss to the whole world.

10 .It is one of the_______most exciting______(exciting)___trips____(trip)I have ever had.

11 the case needs ______to be painted_____(paint)

12 我很熟悉这风景。
____I'm familar with the scenery________=_____The scenery is familiar to me._____

13 .My hair wants ____to be cut_____.(cut)追问最后一题为什么填 to be cut?

追答want 后面用 to do sth.

另外,11中need to be done=need doing

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