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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-01 09:55



热心网友 时间:2024-10-09 03:48

《我开动物园那些年》是近年来备受关注的国产动漫。尽管网上有许多评论认为它毁了原著,但我没有看过原著,所以没有 comparing it to the original. So far, about seven episodes have been released, and I've only watched four or five. The humor and light-hearted tone of the show appeal to me. However, the plot can be quite jumpy, and there's a sense of disjointedness that makes it seem like a slideshow at times. Despite this, I find the series quite amusing. The story takes place after the founding of the People's Republic of China, where supernatural creatures are not allowed to exist. Overall, it's a great piece of work, whether it's the novel, the radio drama, or the animation. Luya is particularly loveable, although his dyed hair might have been a bit of a miss with the hairdresser, lol. I just found out that it's based on a BL (Boys' Love) original work, which was quite surprising, indicating that there have been significant changes to the original novel. However, the chemistry between the park director and Luya is still strong. Ship: Arrogant and powerful deity x Lively zoo director.
Luya, also known as Dao Jun, is absolutely adorable, and his傲娇 (petulant yet secretly affectionate) character is a plus! The protagonist is bound by an unscrupulous APP and starts managing a zoo, assisted by ancient heavenly beings as animals. The writing is humorous and well-founded, filled with interesting anecdotes, and you can even learn a lot about zoos. There are various supporting characters, including a "crafty" one named You Su, providing additional entertainment. If you can't enjoy the animation, you should check out the original novel or listen to the radio drama; you won't want to miss it! Article by Hipopotamus, Images from the internet (if any), please remove if violated!
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