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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-30 19:27



热心网友 时间:17小时前

1. Familiar with the local road and traffic conditions. Qiasuan ready accurate delay on the road leading time. 2. understand all over the menu for public relations, exchange leading to accompany a meal, customers can also understand the local customs. degree increase in the good graces of your company. 3. Institute for blocking leadership, and works until it can speak. room to maneuver. The phone is unknown, one can say, "CEOs just closing, you wait, I am looking for you. This leadership does not want unity, you can say that they have never been discovered. 4. leadership of the telephone, We can not directly asked, "What do you find me?" as if you are not willing to accept this phone to ask, "What needs to be done to the" 5. \ bad mood when leading a tantrum, follow him. But Qitoushang decisions do not listen to the head; Qitoushang are not in any sense; According to the gas question. seek another reply that the implementation should not do this is OK 6. errs their leaders unhappy promptly admit mistakes must not think of themselves as girls, we can allow people Lianxiangxiyu, as a career woman, not as psychologically weak expect to be male supervisors concessions or sympathy, this may be a good lover. But will this be a good seven staff. leading man, a success also requires exaggerated. failure also need comfort. The praise when praise, the comfort of comfort. psychologically close to him. reduce the distance. 8. as much knowledge of several languages or dialects, in order to discuss the project with the Exchange, 9 reduce the sense of distance. Institute tactfully rejected, we have our own principles. not, must not speak out of turn. not necessarily done. Discuss 10 to give his speech. \ warm and generous enthusiasm is the most important Secretary of 1:11. Since the infiltration of bones In Europe and the United States Secretary of the letter is actually very decent job in the country, was of a discrepancy, they must be their own self-confidence, If it quickly without passion 12. work with high efficiency, so one thing is one thing. 13. Regular recharging. maintain our 's heart condition
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