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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 23:37



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 16:01

I have exchanged the special-purpose clothing, The Coach told us wear the waistband, then makes 40 minute elementary action, like jogs, the stretch and so on to warm up. Later one hour, before going to school a most basic movement - -, to kick: Raises legs, to stretch the straight tip of the toe, kicks, takes back the leg. This movement looks resembles simply, the movement arriving is actually difficult. I practiced more than a half hours to be finally similar, the price was the right foot thumb toenail is injured bleeds.

XXX starts to study the traditional Chinese painting from 5 years old , insists for several years, innate achievement. She has several ten works to obtain the nation calligraphy and painting competition's award item, but also several paintings are enrolled the award collection publication. She wields the pen the nature, the advocation is enjoyable, has studied in the past also the Chinese calligraphy, therefore knows by heart deeply the traditional Chinese painting “the calligraphy and painting homology” the road. Although after on middle school, because the studies are arous, XXX drawing's time has been short, her each week still insisted that period of time paint pictures. I believed that XXX, if can by your school enrollment, certainly be possible to give your school to take away this traditional Chinese art.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 16:02

机器翻译的, 只是个参考, 我只要回答的那一点点分,不要悬赏。

I put on special clothing line coach to teach us a good belt, and then 40 minutes to do the basic actions, such as jogging, stretching to warm-up, and so on. After an hour, a study of the most basic moves - before the kick: leg lift, Beng toe, and kicked out of the back leg. This action appears to be simple, hard action in place. I practiced after almost half an hour, the price is right thumb nail was bleeding.

XXX from the 5-year-old started to learn Chinese painting, persist in a few years, its own achievements. There are dozens of her works won the National Award of calligraphy and painting contest, there are several pockets of the paintings were included in the publication of the award-winning portfolio. She Yunbi nature, a decent respect in the past has also studied Chinese calligraphy, Chinese painting and therefore familiar with the "Painting and Calligraphy homologous" way. While on the school after their studies e to the heavy, XXX painting of a little time, every week, she still insisted on painting for a period of time. I believe, XXX, if your school can be taking, your school will be able to bring this traditional Chinese art.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 16:02

I get on my special clothes,the coach instructed us to tie the waistband,then we do 40mins basic movements,like running,stretch for warm up. Then we learn one basic movement:front kick(stretch tight the tiptoe,kick out and withdraw let) within the following whole one hour. The movement seems easy but it's hard to do as standard. I practised almost half an hour to get standard with the cost of blooding right foot pollex.

XXX started to learn Chinese painting on her 5 years old and got certain achievements with many years insisting..Her more than 10 paintings were awarded by whole country paiting contest and some painting were published together with the other awarded writes..She has a nature painting technique and enjoy mastering the spirit.She learned Chinese handwriting before and know clearly about the principle that "the handwriting and painting are in the same way"..After entered into the high schoole, though her study was very heavy and painting time was less,she insisted on painting for some time every week. I trust that XXX will bring the traditional arts to your royal school if she was recruited by your school.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 16:03

i put on the special clothes, the coach tought us to tie the belt, then it was 40 min for basic practises, running and stretching to warm up. the later 1 hour, we learned the only one action: front kick: lift leg, keep the tiptoe straight, kick, and back. this practise looked easy, but hard to do it exactly. I practised more than half hour to learn it almost. the chollex nail of my right foot bleed was what i paid for it.
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