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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 23:48



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 20:18

With the extensive application of engineering drill, people are increasingly concerned about the working efficiency of the drilling rig, power, and security issues. Drilling Rig in the course of their work, the drill pipe length restrictions need to continue to provide access to remove the drill pipe to complete rated deep hole drilling. Many engineering rig workers to complete the loading and unloading of drill pipe task. Is labor-intensive, inefficient, e to environmental constraints of the project rig workers in the construction of casualties ring the operation rate. Therefore, to design a high efficiency, security, good wrap rod system is particularly important. This thesis is difficult hole drill encountered in the construction process of switching clubs, switching clubs for a long time, and issues such as designing a SWDB120 type hole drill utility drill pipe libraries intended to save the time of switching clubs, while recing labor intensity, improve the construction efficiency of the rig. To meet the requirements of modern proction and construction hole drill.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 20:18

As engineering drilling rigs of a wide range of applications, there is a growing concern about the drilling machine, power efficiency and security issues. The drilling rig in the course of its work, the length of drill rod, requiring constant access to the complete removal drill rod rated for drilling the hole deeper. Many of the present engineering drilling rigs are the workers to complete drilling rod handling tasks. Labor is very large and very inefficient, because of the Agency while the rig of the work environment, workers in the middle of the operation work injury rates are high. Therefore, design a high efficiency, security, good auto switch lever system is extremely important. This paper hole drilling on their potential in the course of construction experience, and the shift lever switch lever design issues such as long time a-hole 120 SWDB utility rigs drilling Rod Library to save time switching lever, and rece the workers' labor and increase the efficiency of construction drilling rig. In order to meet the contemporary proction of potential construction hole drilling requirements. 希望能帮到你

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 20:19

请问 有没有挖掘机液压剪方面的论文 我也需要 跪求追问爱莫能助~

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