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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 04:19



热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 21:27

1. "Horned" refers to something that has horns. The term originates from the word "horn," which refers to a hard, pointed structure found on the heads of certain animals, such as deer and bulls.
2. The adjective "horned" can describe an animal that has natural horns or an object that is shaped like a horn. For example, a "horned animal" could be a deer or a goat, while a "horned object" might be a pair of headphones with a pointed shape.
3. The verb "to horn" can mean to provide an object with a horn-like protrusion or to cause damage by using a horn. In nautical terms, "to horn" can also refer to the act of making a boat's frame perpendicular to its keel.
4. In bilingual contexts, "horned" can be seen in sentences such as:
- "A woolly horned ruminant mammal related to the goat." (A woolly animal with horns, related to goats.)
- "A horned lizard, howl, plant, cactus." (An animal with horns, a wolf's cry, a plant, and a cactus.)
- "Toot your horn to let them know we're here." (Honk your car horn to signal our arrival.)
5. The benefits of learning English include:
- Expanding one's knowledge base as English is a required subject in school, involving the learning of words, phrases, sentences, and texts.
- Broadening one's perspective by learning about the lifestyles and customs of people in other countries, which is facilitated by studying English.
- Enhancing personal advantages, as English proficiency is often a requirement for ecational opportunities, such as college admissions or international scholarships.
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