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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 04:12



热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 13:27

1. We"d like to establish business relationship with you on the equal footing. 2. Everytime we increase 200 pieces of paper, 1% commission will be offered. 3. This lot of shirts will be packed by hard carton, whcih saves freight. 4. We want to insure the goods- the ceramics ---against All Risks. 5. Recently because of many factors, the packing graally becomes a very important marketing method . 6. According to those plans, the bank. participated econimic deveolopment projects for developing countries. 7. Apart from the huge cost., this project will take much time. 8. Many governments set up tarrif barrier for imported goods. 9. We have the reason to lodge a claim against you..10 If your party can supply us thies procts, we will place orders in large quantity. 11. This good will sail in the first direct ship for the the shipment next month.12. Tomorrow Iwe will mail l you the contract with triplicate..13 We will take this opportunity to introce you our business lines. 14. The buyer lodged a claim on the shipment of 10 thousand pounds . 15. According the claim provision, the seller should improve the quality of the inferiority procts and make compansation.16. Whe one party fails to carry out the contract, other party will have the right to repeal the contract. 17. If all the goods above are detained by our customs, we are very sorry, we can not offer you the contract No. 315 which is for the shipment. 18.The sales purpose is arranged based on the procts object.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 13:27

1we would like to on the basis of equality and establish business relationship with you.2 we each increase of200 sheets of paper, can increase 1%3 Commission these shirts are packed in cardboard cartons, can save freight4 we want for this batch of ceramic cast comprehensive insurance5recently e to many factors, packaging has graally become an important means of marketing6 through these programs, the banks involved in the economic development of the developing countries in addition to the enormous cost of project 7, the project will also spend a lot of time 8many government establish tariff barriers to obtain import9we have reason to file a claim against you for the10if you can supply this proct. We will place a large order11 this batch of goods will be the next month the first nonstop shipped12tomorrow we will send three copies of the contract we are sending you13we will take this opportunity to introce you to our business scope 14buyer's claim on goods100000015 according to the clause of claim, the seller should the inferior quality of the goods or quality change for16when one party fails to perform the contract, the other party has the right to cancel the contract17 of the aforementioned goods are our overall withholding customs, I'm sorry, we can't send the contract number is315.18 sales target according to the proct should be object arrangement
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