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翻译 中译英 不要机器

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 02:54



热心网友 时间:2024-10-01 12:21

Are you tired?
What do you want to eat?
They are not expensive.
喜欢的话送给你们 不用客气
I'll give them to you if you like.
今天是中秋节 中秋节要吃月饼 表示团圆
Today it is the Mid-Autumn Day, and it is a custom for Chinese people to eat moon cakes which represents the reunion of the family.
What would you like to eat?
How do you spell this word?
这个词是什么意思 再说一遍 我不懂
What does it mean by this word? I don't understand it, could you repeat it?


热心网友 时间:2024-10-01 12:24

Are you tired?
What do you want to eat ?
These are not expensive.
If you like,I can give you.Don't mention it .
Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival .So We need to eat moon cakes that means reunion.
What kind of food do you like to eat?
How to spell it?
What's the meaning of the word ?Please
repeat that .I can't understand。
纯手工翻译 我的更准确

热心网友 时间:2024-10-01 12:19

看了一遍 atlas_young 的答案。很正确啊!!顶顶。建议楼主给他分咯

热心网友 时间:2024-10-01 12:21

You tired

Do you want something

These things not expensive

Like to welcome you

Today is the Mid-Autumn festival will eat mooncakes said reunion

Do you like to eat a point what things

How do you spell this word

What is the meaning of this word again, I don't understand

热心网友 时间:2024-10-01 12:24

Do you have tired

What do you want to eat

These things are not expensive

If you do not like to give polite

Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival Mid-Autumn Festival to eat moon cakes that reunion

You like to eat something

How do you spell the word

What is the meaning of the word repeat that I do not know

It is still hot this Summer, but compare to the challenge we are facing soon, this can’t stop us from going.七月五日,在学校的组织下,我们出发了,踏上了美国的征程。On July 5th, we started our US trip organized by our school.14个小时的飞机后,我们来到了美国纽约,这是美国...

帮忙翻译下 中译英(不要用机器)



船已经沉没了。The ship has sunk.船沉没了。The ship sunk.船将要沉没。The ship is going to sink.它正在使船沉没。It is sinking the ship.一艘沉没的船。A sunk ship.一艘正在沉没的船。A sinking ship.一艘将要沉没的船 A ship that is to sink....


We maintian sound partnership with all factories with which we used to cooperate together, so it is easy for us to obtain their support on both technology and price. We have about twenty reserachers, and four production lines to manufacture pencils as well as five to cups.Three ...


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Speaking of a resort that is well-known in China, the one that comes to my mind first is the Great Wall, which is situated in northern china. The Great Wall looks pretty much like a dragon when looking from the sky, and it is over 6000 kilometres long. The average width ...


Marlene De Jesus: We celebrate Christmas Eve and the Three Kings.马琳·德·耶稣:我们庆祝圣诞前夕和三王。For Christmas Eve,圣诞节前夕,the parents tend to take the children to church to sing 父母往往带孩子们去教堂唱 and then we go to other family members' home.然后我们去其他的...


i have one year study of postgraduate and i major in law.我的英语水平不高,下一年我想好好学习英语.my english skill is not so good, so i am planning to better it next year.如果有可能继续能。听伊丽莎白的课 if possible, i may continue attending Elizabeth's lectures 我非常喜欢...


Dear Linda, 亲爱的琳达 Thanks for your letter.多谢你的来信 I'm very happy that you can come on Sunday.我很高兴你能在星期天来 When you drive to my house,当你开车到我家时 It's easy to find the station.很容易会发现这个站头(车站) It's a little difficult after that.接下来...

求帮忙汉译英 不要机器翻译!

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