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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 01:18



热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 21:51

"The red Chinese first published in 1931, on December 11, with red Chinese news agency is an organization, two brand. "Red China is our country founded in people's regime first central organ for", the first Soviet republic of China, the central government organ "temporary after party, regiment, instead of the central government and union official jointly. But the current domestic academic circles to the red China research also less.

Because at the height of the state and the war under the leadership of the central Soviet areas period, red China hold concurrently organizational communication and mass media, news and publicity of multiple identities and tasks. This period of the "red newspaper published the central government of the official documents, and departments of construction of news, Soviet military conflict in the kuomintang army news, domestic and international business, also published in Soviet construction process unhealthy phenomenon criticism reported. The circulation of the early from published more than 3,000 copies of increased to 40,000, more than when's da gong bao sales.

The central Soviet areas period running red China insists the party, the masses of thought, devotes to the running of the newspaper, do people happy language understandable, editing flexible, pay close attention to improving people's cultural quality. In wartime condition, red China with the Soviet government priority, guiding the work, attention to guide and agitating effect, create people to take an active part in the construction of Soviet area atmosphere. But, this period with the red China also obvious "left" errors.

"The red Chinese" have "reservoir" role of the communist party of China, the news early in this place after traditional collection, and through it has a long history. "The red Chinese" of the whole party offices, mass newspapers and pay attention to such praises and criticisms in subsequent yenan ideological liberation daily, and DangBao inherited as obtained the further development.

Keywords: the central Soviet area, the red China, reported the contents, newspapers thought

热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 21:52

"The red Chinese first published in 1931, on December 11, with red Chinese news agency is an organization, two brand. "Red China is our country founded in people's regime first central organ for", the first Soviet republic of China, the central government organ "temporary after party, regiment, instead of the central government and union official jointly. But the current domestic academic circles to the red China research also less.

Because at the height of the state and the war under the leadership of the central Soviet areas period, red China hold concurrently organizational communication and mass media, news and publicity of multiple identities and tasks. This period of the "red newspaper published the central government of the official documents, and departments of construction of news, Soviet military conflict in the kuomintang army news, domestic and international business, also published in Soviet construction process unhealthy phenomenon criticism reported. The circulation of the early from published more than 3,000 copies of increased to 40,000, more than when's da gong bao sales.

The central Soviet areas period running red China insists the party, the masses of thought, devotes to the running of the newspaper, do people happy language understandable, editing flexible, pay close attention to improving people's cultural quality. In wartime condition, red China with the Soviet government priority, guiding the work, attention to guide and agitating effect, create people to take an active part in the construction of Soviet area atmosphere. But, this period with the red China also obvious "left" errors.

"The red Chinese" have "reservoir" role of the communist party of China, the news early in this place after traditional collection, and through it has a long history. "The red Chinese" of the whole party offices, mass newspapers and pay attention to such praises and criticisms in subsequent yenan ideological liberation daily, and DangBao inherited as obtained the further development.
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