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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 23:37



热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 14:46

Involved in corporate recruitment, training, performance management, attendance and so on. Apply to all staff salaries, bonuses, transportation costs and various allowances to adjust the assessment work and management. Responsible for preparing all the staff roster. Done monthly, annual reports and other kinds of statements in completing the work. Assist in personnel administration manager for the completion of the management company's personnel administration.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 14:46

Involved in ties such as corporate recruitment, staff training, performance management, attendance management etc. Responsible for the assessment of staff salaries, bonuses, transportation reimbursements and various types of allowances and related management ties. Responsible for preparing the rosters of the entire staff members of the company. Compiling monthly and annual reports and completing various returns. Assisting the personnel administration manager in the management of the company's personnel and administrative ties.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 14:47

I have participated in recruitment, training, performance management and attendency. I am engaged in fixing,adjusting and managing the salary, bonus, traffic fares and various allowances. I am in charge of name roll of all employees. I make out the monthly report, annual report and other reports. I assist the personnel manager in personnel administration affairs.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 14:47

To participate in the recruitment, training, performance management, attendance, etc. For all the staff members wages, bonuses, allowances and various transportation management and evaluation of adjustment. Responsible for all the staff of the roster. Do monthly reports, and other various reports the work provided. Assist hr manager to achieve company hr affairs management.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 14:48

To participate in the recruitment, training, performance management, attendance, etc. For all the staff members wages, bonuses, allowances and various transportation management and evaluation of adjustment. Responsible for all the staff of the roster. Do monthly reports, and other various reports the work provided. Assist hr manager to achieve company hr affairs management.



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