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翻译英语 很急 在线等

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 01:15



热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 09:36

(1)My partner is an honest and kind-hearted girl who is very plain but has quite poor fluency on her speaking.
(2)She acquired her personality from her family.
(3)She should communicate with others more to make herself optmistic.
(4)It's necessary for her to learn advantages from others in order to avoid her shortcomings so that we'll like her more.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 09:38

1, my companion is a very sincere and virtuous girl who is very simple ,but say sillily not fluent.
2,she was acquired quality by her family.

3 she needs more communicate with people, make her pleasant personality

4 she needs to study other advantage, amend own fault,we will prefer to her

热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 09:30

(1)My partner is an honest and kind-hearted girl who is very plain but has quite poor fluency on her speaking.
(2)She acquired her personality from her family.
(3)She should communicate with others more to make herself optmistic.
(4)It's necessary for her to learn advantages from others in order to avoid her shortcomings so that we'll like her more.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 09:38

1, my companion is a very sincere and virtuous girl who is very simple ,but say sillily not fluent.
2,she was acquired quality by her family.

3 she needs more communicate with people, make her pleasant personality

4 she needs to study other advantage, amend own fault,we will prefer to her
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