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http://www.ks321.com/play/5983.html 54分钟后面这首女生的英文歌叫...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 10:04



热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 04:21

Tell Me Who You Are - Ldy Lickem




I fantasize your face as i dream alseep
hoping and wondering if you think of me
asking myself
does he exsist? does he even know who i am
or does he even know my name
is my mind playing games
i feel like its a movie
where i keep dreaming
to where i keep waiting
waiting for the day, you show up in my life
i know im not going insane
maybe its even deja vu
cuhs i feel like, some how i know him
and i do believe that dreams come true
have i seen him before
i know that wasn't the first
if it was why can't i stop wondering
i can't be loosing it
in my fantasies
i have memories of you
can this really be true?
i don't know/ but i really wanna figure it out
whats his name/ is he real
why am i suddenly having these thoughts/ now ?
is it real?

Just tell me who you are,
Everytime i see your face at dark.
i'm having more and more dreams,
Please explain it to me.
Waking up, i feel like im in a different world

like im making fantasies, reality
there he is/ looking straight at me
what do i do/ what do i say
somehow he just never goes away
is it a sign of some kind
what is he tryna tell me
at that point
im thinking this aint real
nah/ it's just make believe
but then again
my eyes are wide open
maybe he'll explain who he is/ im hoping
atleast tell me why he keeps popping
up in my head/ as i dream in my bed
im tryna wake up/ get away from this confusion
somehow it keeps comin back
i'm having more illusi**
i don't know what to do now
am i suppose to just sit and wait
patiently letting time elaborate
on whats going on
then again maybe im just tripping
and nothing really was wrong

Just tell me who you are,
Everytime i see your face at dark.
i'm having more and more dreams,
Please explain it to me.

Just tell me why your here ( why are you here ? )
is this suppose to be a sign ( if so, what kind ? )
Cuhs its been playin with my mind ( it's been playin with my mind )
i swear im seeing things, or am i ( am i ? )

Just tell me who you are,
Everytime i see your face at dark.
i'm having more and more dreams,
Please explain it to me.

Just tell me who you are,
Everytime i see your face at dark.
i'm having more and more dreams,
Please explain it to me.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 04:19

Tell Me Who You Are - Ldy Lickem




I fantasize your face as i dream alseep
hoping and wondering if you think of me
asking myself
does he exsist? does he even know who i am
or does he even know my name
is my mind playing games
i feel like its a movie
where i keep dreaming
to where i keep waiting
waiting for the day, you show up in my life
i know im not going insane
maybe its even deja vu
cuhs i feel like, some how i know him
and i do believe that dreams come true
have i seen him before
i know that wasn't the first
if it was why can't i stop wondering
i can't be loosing it
in my fantasies
i have memories of you
can this really be true?
i don't know/ but i really wanna figure it out
whats his name/ is he real
why am i suddenly having these thoughts/ now ?
is it real?

Just tell me who you are,
Everytime i see your face at dark.
i'm having more and more dreams,
Please explain it to me.
Waking up, i feel like im in a different world

like im making fantasies, reality
there he is/ looking straight at me
what do i do/ what do i say
somehow he just never goes away
is it a sign of some kind
what is he tryna tell me
at that point
im thinking this aint real
nah/ it's just make believe
but then again
my eyes are wide open
maybe he'll explain who he is/ im hoping
atleast tell me why he keeps popping
up in my head/ as i dream in my bed
im tryna wake up/ get away from this confusion
somehow it keeps comin back
i'm having more illusi**
i don't know what to do now
am i suppose to just sit and wait
patiently letting time elaborate
on whats going on
then again maybe im just tripping
and nothing really was wrong

Just tell me who you are,
Everytime i see your face at dark.
i'm having more and more dreams,
Please explain it to me.

Just tell me why your here ( why are you here ? )
is this suppose to be a sign ( if so, what kind ? )
Cuhs its been playin with my mind ( it's been playin with my mind )
i swear im seeing things, or am i ( am i ? )

Just tell me who you are,
Everytime i see your face at dark.
i'm having more and more dreams,
Please explain it to me.

Just tell me who you are,
Everytime i see your face at dark.
i'm having more and more dreams,
Please explain it to me.
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