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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 16:45



热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 14:14

Hi, my name is ×××, I‘m a student from Jinan District Fourth Central Primary School. As the vice monitor in the class position,I have some hobbys, such as:play the guitar、read some books and write(PS:最后最好加上Thank you,显得比较有礼。我可以把我的给你参考一下:Hi, everybody. Please let me introduce a girl to you. The girl has a sunny disposition, she's always helpful, and being confident and generous, and always with a smiling face, this is me. My name is Eve Lambert, I'm fourteen yours old. I have a strong desire and thirst for knowledge. I have good study habits, my achievement has come out in front, especially English achievement. After study I have some hobbys, such as: draw a picture、 blow pipe instruments、 speak English and French. I have a strong sense of responsibility and the collective sense of honor.I served as the class cadre since the first grade.“Learning Star”、“Three Good Student”honor certificates record of my growth and progress. This is never defeat and positive and optimistic me. Thank you. 如果你还想要法语版的,我也可以给你翻译).

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 14:16

Hello, my name is XXX,
Is a student in Jinan District Fourth Center Primary School
As the vice monitor in the class position, I like playing the guitar, read a book, write.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 14:12

Hi, my name is XXX, I am a student of Jin Anou No. 4 Central Primary School . I am a vice President in the class, I like playing the guitar,
reading books , writing. Thank you .

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 14:15

nice to meet you, i'm xxx ,i am a student of No. 4 cental primary school at Jing'an. i'm vice-monitor of my class,and i like playing guitar,reading and writting.祝你好运,少年!
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