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http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/W3bsZyqX8d8/这个视频的音乐 跪 ...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 16:39



热心网友 时间:2024-10-01 02:51

《The World's Greatest》

I am a mountain
I am a tall tree, oh
I am a swift wind, sweeping the country
I am a river down in the valley, oh
I'm a vision and I can see clearly

If anybody asks you who I am
Just stand up tall
Look 'em in the face and say

I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I'm the world's greatest
I'm that little bit of hope
When my back's against the rope
I can feel it
I'm the world's greatest

I am a gaint
I am an eagle, oh
I am a lion down in the jungle
I am a marching band
I am the people, oh
I am a helping hand
I am a hero

If anybody asks you who I am
Just stand up tall
Look 'em in the face and say

I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey, I made it
I'm the world's greatest
I'm that little bit of hope
When my back's against the rope
I can feel it
I'm the world's greatest

I'm that star up in the sky (oh)
I'm that mountain (peak up high) peak up high
Hey, I made It (I said, I made it)
I'm the world's greatest (I'm that little bit)
I'm that little bit of hope (oh oh)
When my back's against the wall (when my back's against the ropes)
I can feel it (I can feel it)
I'm the world's greatest

Oh, I'm that star up in the sky (star up in the sky)
I'm that mountain peak up high (oh, yes I am)
Hey, I made it (I made it)
I'm the world's greatest (I'm that little bit of hope)
I'm that little bit of hope (oh oh)
When my back's against the wall (when my back's against the ropes)
I can feel it (I can feel it)
I'm the world's greatest

I'm that star up in the sky (oh)
I'm that mountain (peak up high) peak up high
Hey, I made It (I said, I made it)
I'm the world's greatest (I'm that little bit)
I'm that little bit of hope (oh oh)
When my back's against the wall (when my back's against the ropes)
I can feel it (I can feel it)
I'm the world's greatest

He's the greatest (he's the greatest)
He's the greatest, can you feel it

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