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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 10:42



热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 12:17

I feel it's a very touching cartoon! Male host Mr. The beginning is very love their own wives (and he had grown up, together dream good partner, can saying is childhood friends). She's wife painted a picture, in a large waterfall beside the cabin, building a two of them can be where you are happy life, they were very yearning that xanadu. Then his wife, he is not a man keep in that small hut, miss her, then there should tear open change, he decided to keep hut, hence done.i more with cabin balloon to search for the slice of fairyland,, has no intention of small and medium-sized Russell with him and began this journey, hero Carl ronaldinho and have got the moment persistence heart, a in order to find out the dream of, one to obtain a badge. Begin to Carl ronaldinho sick, he thought that is the heart of great falls, little indifference, to the things around also not too interested. But the world is full of dreams of ronaldinho and curious, meets a rare bird, afterwards the plot is an emotionally, big bird by bad person away, ronaldinho but Karl's opposition, go alone that bird. This is Karl looking ronaldinho, thought of his fundamental fights only bad guys, hence take house in and do with the person I love sofa, small table, etc are pushed out, let a house again fly, to help ronaldinho, right now the slice of fairyland is here, but he inadvertently to feel, just think of a go at any time could be dangerous child, after a ferocious fight, they win, but Karl's cabin but from the big airships on dropped, right now Karl looking at it, the in the mind is very sad, but then he said a word, but let me think for a long time, deeply spoke: that's just a house just, finally two people in trouble became good friends.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 12:20

fei wu huan you ji

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 12:16

I feel it's a very touching cartoon! Male host Mr. The beginning is very love their own wives (and he had grown up, together dream good partner, can saying is childhood friends). She's wife painted a picture, in a large waterfall beside the cabin, building a two of them can be where you are happy life, they were very yearning that xanadu. Then his wife, he is not a man keep in that small hut, miss her, then there should tear open change, he decided to keep hut, hence done.i more with cabin balloon to search for the slice of fairyland,, has no intention of small and medium-sized Russell with him and began this journey, hero Carl ronaldinho and have got the moment persistence heart, a in order to find out the dream of, one to obtain a badge. Begin to Carl ronaldinho sick, he thought that is the heart of great falls, little indifference, to the things around also not too interested. But the world is full of dreams of ronaldinho and curious, meets a rare bird, afterwards the plot is an emotionally, big bird by bad person away, ronaldinho but Karl's opposition, go alone that bird. This is Karl looking ronaldinho, thought of his fundamental fights only bad guys, hence take house in and do with the person I love sofa, small table, etc are pushed out, let a house again fly, to help ronaldinho, right now the slice of fairyland is here, but he inadvertently to feel, just think of a go at any time could be dangerous child, after a ferocious fight, they win, but Karl's cabin but from the big airships on dropped, right now Karl looking at it, the in the mind is very sad, but then he said a word, but let me think for a long time, deeply spoke: that's just a house just, finally two people in trouble became good friends.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 12:15

fei wu huan you ji

英文:There is love of people around, there is a dream to go to achieve, in fact, well-being has always been very simple.Becuse the love,Eille had their house flied with the many ballons to make their dream come true.Selfish,obstinate and mercilessly,but it changes when a b...


I feel this is a very touching a cartoon! His wife is gone, he do more with cabin balloon to search for the slice of wonderland, has no intention of *** all and medium-sized Russell and he began the journey together. The hero Carl and ronaldinho have a moment of clinging...


#517086 飞屋环游记英文观后感1 周末,我看了《飞屋环游记》这部电影,它十分让我感动……每一个细节深深的印在我的心里,每一个情节都是那么扣人心弦。 卡尔和他的妻子艾利有一个梦想,就是住到仙境瀑布去,可是直到妻子病逝,他也70岁时这个梦想一向都没有实现。之后,城市里造了高楼大厦,工人们要把卡尔的房子...


综述:There are children and old people in the film, generation gap and integration, dreams and losses. In fact, the structure of the film is not complex.It is a common trick for the two protagonists to integrate from opposition, and the role of 3D technology in this animation ...

英语电影影评和英语文学名著读后感 各120字 谢谢,在线等

《飞屋环游记》英语影评 "Up" is a wonderful film, with characters who are as believable as any characters can be who spend much of their time floating above the rain forests of Venezuela. They have tempers, problems and obsessions. They are cute and goofy, but they aren't cute...

求飞屋环游记的英文观后感 200字以上 不要太多

Kevin, a beautiful bird. However, the old man and the boy beat Charles and went back to their country.I like this film because it taught me many things. When we met a hot potato, we shouldn’t give up. If your mind isn’t wrong, we will succeed after working hard.




飞屋环游记的英文观后感 I'm a little annoyed with Up right now, because it made me cry in the first 10 minutes. Crying at the end of a movie is easier to hide -- you can mutter about allergies or how too much computer time makes your eyes red. But crying at the ...

急求飞屋环游记英文观后感两篇 100词左右就可

But what gives "Up" such a joyously buoyant lift is the refreshingly nongimmicky way in which the process has been incorporated into the big picture -- and what a wonderful big picture it is.Winsome, touching and arguably the funniest Pixar effort ever, the gorgeously rendered, ...

求个飞屋环游记观后感。 要英文的 有50单词就够 继续

Up is a slightly-left-of-center masterpiece. The emotional impact of the beautiful, wordless summation of Carl's life that opens the movie is the bass note that resonates through the whole film and is at least as affecting as the scene in Wall-E when he holds his own hands...

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