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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-25 18:26



热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 20:43

At present, 1. Worsening environmental pollution has posed a major problem worldwide, but also led to one of the main factors of global warming. Now, with regard to global climate change research has clearly pointed out that since the last century from the Earth's surface temperature has already started to rise.

2. Aggravating factor in the marine environment

Currently, sea level change is an upward trend was continued, according to the experts predict the next century, sea levels could rise 50cm. If not taken and the measures will lead directly to the destruction and pollution of freshwater resources and other adverse consequences. In addition, a large number of land-based venues produce toxic chemical waste and solid waste continuously into the ocean; major in sea water discharge (leaking) Oil events as well as by human activities such as coastal areas caused the destruction of the ecological environment and so on leading to destruction of ecological environment water main factors.

3. Land erosion, desertification and other damage factors

4. Forest resource decreasing factor

In the world, due to natural or man-made factors are causing forest area dropped significantly.
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