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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 03:38



热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 00:39

Be sure to lecture mainly
Scalable various functions (continued)
Printed circuit board switching switch
A switch 4 (PWC gas flow a Yes / No) factory in the "nil" stall
The "no" pre-set without gas flow settings.
(Reference to P14, P15 and P21 work of TFF)
Switch 1999-31 (at Arc / or the initial conditions of arc) in the factory, "sw8" stall
• "sw8" - no set of initial conditions can be output to arc welding conditions.
(See p14)
• "sw6" - set the initial conditions and welding arc welding conditions at the same output.
(See P21)
Prerequisite to arc switch is set to "yes" or arc
Switch 10 (Simple singularity of ordinary) factory in ordinary stall
The "ordinary" set of welding current and voltage can be set at "ordinary"
The simple unified set via the remote control's output regulator, selected welding current, combined with an electric welding
Pressure can be automatically set. Simple adjustments for the uniform type.
Note) General / Summary unified output regulation can be both positive and negative on the use of remote calibration plate Summary
Centralized regulation, please use overturned.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 00:39

Be sure to lecture mainly
Scalable various functions (continued)
Printed circuit board switching switch
A switch 4 (PWC gas flow a Yes / No) factory in the "nil" stall
The "no" pre-set without gas flow settings.
(Reference to P14, P15 and P21 work of TFF)
Switch 1999-31 (at Arc / or the initial conditions of arc) in the factory, "sw8" stall
• "sw8" - no set of initial conditions can be output to arc welding conditions.
(See p14)
• "sw6" - set the initial conditions and welding arc welding conditions at the same output.
(See P21)
Prerequisite to arc switch is set to "yes" or arc
Switch 10 (Simple singularity of ordinary) factory in ordinary stall
The "ordinary" set of welding current and voltage can be set at "ordinary"
The simple unified set via the remote control's output regulator, selected welding current, combined with an electric welding
Pressure can be automatically set. Simple adjustments for the uniform type.
Note) General / Summary unified output regulation can be both positive and negative on the use of remote calibration plate Summary
Centralized regulation, please use overturned.
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