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...以下几个句子中翻英 非常紧急需要!! 拜托了 100分喔

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 22:17



热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 23:04

什麼是爱? 如何学会爱一个人或者是一个家庭? 爱可不可以是负面的?
What is love? How can we love someone or a family? Can love be negative?

爱是让人疯狂的 可以让人受不了 可以让人解脱 也可以让人幸福, 取决於你是怎麼样的一个人 你想要什麼样的爱
Love can drive someone crazy, it could make someone unbearable but also can make someone happy. It all depends on what sort of a person you are and how you want to love.

爱就是必须学会要放手 放开一切 让自己从痛苦中解脱,并且从新开始 从新生活 重新学习爱人的方式 .
Love is that you have to learn to let go, and give up everything. Let oneself be liberated from pains and start all over again from the beginning. Learn the ways to love again from a new life.

We hope to be loved (particularly being loved by a certain someone). Also would like to be love the way we wished, by a special someone whom is most dearest and close to you. Even for family, how much do they understand others' feelings? After all, everyone is different, relationships between people is really a kind of sophisticated knowledge, and everyone has more than one side. No matter how, we can only see a small part of it. In some situation only a part or parts would be shown. However, when you love someone that you can't just love a part but the entire lot of this someone.

Even when face with a difficult mother, who is in heavy medication and really hard to get on with. You still have to take her criticism, even directed at someone you love. Face with such an unlovable mother, you still have to love her. Sometimes when loving someone, it is such a suffering.

There many kinds of love in this film, love of a family, love of the lovers and so on, which are all different.


热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 23:04

What is love? How to learn to love a person or a family?Love can be negative?
Love is crazy that people can't stand . It can make people freecan and also make people happy.
It depends on what person you are and what kind of love you want .
Love is must learn to let everything go . Making yourself keep away from pains.
You should restart to live and learn the way of love.
We all want to be loved (especially be loved by someone),and is to use the way we want to be loved, especially to people close us , but,though it is family, and understand how much each other's feelings? After all, everyone
is different.It's a deep knowledge to get along with others,everyone has too much to face, though we do everything, we only can only see a small part,some aspects in some contexts. But, love a person, not just get a small part of his love, and get all his love.

Even if your mother is a very sarcastic ridicule person, and always use medicinal to can't be get with her easily, you have to listen to her all her outside criticism, including the person you love,in the face of such a not self love mother... You still love her, sometimes love a person is really hard.
In this film, there are a lot of different loves, family love,lover's love and so on,they are not quite the same

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