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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 01:09



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 07:35


Female: honored guests, respect leadership, dear friends, good afternoon!

Male: bird fly freely in the vast sky, they sing song today, particularly!

Female: flowers bathed in brilliant sunshine and balmy breath, zhankai smiling faces.

Male: the red flag flying ring, a GuHao square.

W: here we are celebrating their programs

M: in this special day, our heart filled with gratitude

Woman: thank gardeners, learn the hard cultivation of grandpa's grandmother, uncle aunt.

M: are you gave us combat power you sent to us the courage to overcome difficulties,

Woman: we TongXin representative of all children nursery you.may reporting:

M: we're strenuous, effort,

Female: the construction of large and strong, rich and beautiful (country), we have the ability to provoke burden

Male: TongXin kindergarten 2010 graation ceremony,


Female: mom put me to the early dew, glittering and translucent

M: in the sun shines down dew will bright light,

Female: dad I compared to the delicate boat,

M: in the broad ocean waves in the boat, sail to.

Woman: we know oneself is the future of our motherland, and the hope of the nation, as the new century, we must strive for the dream of hope.

Wish you good health and happiness!
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