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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-30 06:06



热心网友 时间:2024-11-07 02:39

Reading the "Uncle Tom's Cabin", I feel an upsurge of ups and downs, this is one of the few people like the dumping of works inspired the American Civil War. It recorded the Zhonghou, kind-hearted Tom, director of land sales to be sold, not to resist, and ultimately killed the victim and the indomitable courage and his wife Elizabeth George fate can not be Rumo and the fight against whites, fled to Canada, to be free of Distance. Some people in the abhorrent, and some kind-hearted. I hate slave traffickers Haley, when he was not the black people, but used them as a play-off put his items sold; hate Cherbet, to the repayment of the kind-hearted Tom sold, he promised Tom Tom to have the freedom; hate black slave system, because he claimed the black freedom, let them have a kind of servility. I like Elizabeth because she was informed that Cherbet Harry to sell their children, regardless of their lives, desperate to protect Harry, she is a great mother; like George because he indomitable courage, and the struggle against white, Eventually fled to Canada, was free; like Emily, because Cherbet sold Harry, she would prefer to sell their children, do not want to sell poor-Khalifa,
In the eyes of white, black slaves is a plaything, fun fun on the left, the fun does not put them to sell their fun, in exchange for money. Black people's freedom and their self-esteem to have been destroyed. I think if I have the right, then I will be sentenced them to life in prison, suffered taste!
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