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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-29 16:14



热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 01:37

Today is the double ninth, it is our Chinese nation a traditional festival, the double ninth festival. In ancient times, on this day each year, people will be up into the high mountain, pelosi ZhuYu chrysanthemum wine, drink, in order to longevity. Today, the double ninth festival and that LaoRenJie, is the elderly, love, ZhuLao day. Love the old man is we the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.
The elderly ZhuLao love is our Chinese nation's traditional virtue, fathers is passed down precious spiritual wealth. In our long history, the broad and profound traditional culture, pay attention to ethical morality, pay attention to family harmony is our traditional culture in essence, is also the Chinese nation strong cohesion and affinity concrete manifestation. China ancient times "lie ice for the carp," "kiss taste of liquid form", the story of the 24 filial piety. "Expand the love of people old" become to be a criterion. Everyone will be old, all have the old man. Respect for the old man, is actually respect ourselves! As the old people in China's sharp increase, maintain the old man, the Chinese nation love respecting the thousands of years of virtue is more important.
We are in grandpa's grandmother grandpa and grandma care under grow up, is they hardship in care of our tired all: every morning, prepare us for good breakfast; Every afternoon, the time to meet us after school; In the middle, and again for us to get up to cover with quilt; In the winter, for we re shuidai...... good irrigation warm In this belong to them of the festival, I think in the solemn under the national flag to everyone issued initiative:

热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 01:40

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