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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-30 02:18



热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 20:38

Lamarck always paid great attention to for evolutionism scholars, often regarded as the opposite of Darwinism. In recent years, with the study of biological evolution and in-depth, called for the re-recognition of Lamarck's voice. In this study, the animal philosophy on the basis of that the combination of literatures, the content of Lamarck evolution theory and to explore the cause of neglected for a long time, in order to allow people to a more comprehensive understanding of marxism, and hope to provide useful reference for related researchers.
Lamarckian theory of evolution has always been valued by scholars, but it is often used as the opposite of Darwinism to look. Recent years, with the continuous expansion of biological evolution and in-depth research, calling for Lamarckian Rethinking the sound graally increased. Paper Lamarck-based study "Animal philosophy", combining the inspection of documents, the contents of the Lamarckian theory of evolution and its long-neglected reasons discussed in order to allow people to more comprehensive understanding of Lamarckism, and hope to Related researchers provide a useful reference.这是谷歌,不大可靠

热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 20:38

Lamarckian evolution has always been to attention by scholars, but is often as Darwinian opposite view. In recent years, along with the evolution of continuous expansion and in-depth, calls for further understanding of Lamarckismvoice graally increased. Based on the study of "philosophy" of Lamarckian animal, combined with the literature, arediscussion on Lamarckian evolution theory content and cause long neglected, so that people can be morecomprehensive understanding of Lamarckism, and hope to provide useful reference for the related researchers.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 20:39

Lamarckian always paid great attention to for evolutionists.Yet it regarded as the opposite of Darwinism. In recent years, with the constantly expanding and deepening of the Biological evolution research, calls for re-recognition of Lamarckism voice graally increased. In this paper, based on the study of Lamarckism’s Animal Philosophy, combined with the literature, to make the contents of the Lamarckian theory of evolution and its long-neglected reasons discussed, In order to allow people to more comprehensive understanding of Marxism, and hopes to provide useful reference for related researchers.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 20:39

Lamarckism has always been attracting attention from evolution scholars, but it is often considered as opposed to Darvinism. In recent years, in view of the ceaseless development and in-depth research of biological evolution, the clamour for re-understanding Lamarckism is growing. By basing on the studying of Lamarck's [Philosophie Zoologique] and combining all the reviewed literatures, this paper explores the contents of Lamarck's evolution theory and the reasons why it has been ignoredfor such a long time, in the hope of letting people to understand Lamarckism more comprehensively, as well as providing a useful reference to relevant researchers.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 20:40

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