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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-29 22:02



热心网友 时间:2024-10-26 15:15

Raises from 06 years “the fund is hot” until now, the open-end fund in our country rapid development, demonstrates it day by day in our country stock market important position. Under such background, to understand our country open-end fund the operation overall condition, for general investors by an explicit investment instruction, to promote our country open-end fund operation ability enhancement, very much had the necessity regarding open-end fund's appraisal. this article utilizes the fund appraisal two big classical pictures our country 04 years ago sets up 54 open-end funds select when with chooses the stock two abilities to carry on the appraisal, discusses the different time interval emphatically the appraisal conclusion whether to have the difference, invests the type fund differently the appraisal conclusion whether to have the difference, as well as different assessment method appraisal conclusion whether to have the difference, inquired into our country open-end fund operation some characteristics instruct the actual investment behavior. generally speaking, our country's open-end fund supervisors mostly have choose the stock ability, but is not remarkable; When has selects ability supervisor to be very few, therefore the fund supervisor needs chooses two aspects in the stock choice and the opportunity to strengthen own ability. Moreover, when the few parts have selects in ability supervisor, some part selects when ability is very remarkable. Such conclusion “strolled to the fund investment in the hypothesis faction to initiate certain challenge stochastically” (this school of investor to think that in the actual choice fund's process, must not pointed choose the fund to carry on the investment, like this only then might obtain the best returns ratio, took the trouble choice with hardship by might and main is the futile effort. ) but, because remarkable fund stock ability to select and opportunity ability to select displays the endurance is bad, therefore this conclusion will possibly be weaken to the actual guiding sense.
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