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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-29 08:06



热心网友 时间:2024-10-02 02:25

(字数比较少)性格简述:Elizabeth is a realistic and masterful character, which makes all her qualities of strength and independence intensify and create an ideal stability between her emotions and what is reality. Her passion and overwhelming capability to stand her ground is just an introduction into her ability to be able to oversee the weak, the naïve and the dominating. Elizabeth proves her by others who try to contradict her.

(超过120字,如果太长你自己选择一些吧)Elizabeth Bennet is the main character and protagonist. The reader sees the unfolding plot and the other characters mostly from her viewpoint. The second of the Bennet daughters at twenty years old, she is intelligent, lively, attractive, and witty, but with a tendency to judge on first impressions and perhaps to be a little selective of the evidence upon which she bases her judgments. As the plot begins, her closest relationships are with her father, her sister Jane, her aunt Mrs Gardiner, and her best friend Charlotte Lucas.Pride and Prejudice, like most of Jane Austen's works, employs the narrative technique of free indirect speech. This has been defined as "the free representation of a character's speech, by which one means, not words actually spoken by a character, but the words that typify the character's thoughts, or the way the character would think or speak, if she thought or spoke". By using narrative which adopts the tone and vocabulary of a particular character (in this case, that of Elizabeth), Austen invites the reader to follow events from Elizabeth's viewpoint, sharing her prejudices and misapprehensions. "The learning curve, while undergone by both protagonists, is disclosed to us solely through Elizabeth's point of view and her free indirect speech is essential ... for it is through it that we remain caught, if not stuck, within Elizabeth's misprisions."
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