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五年级我的未来为题的英语作文 30个词 急急急!!! 要求当天回答

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-29 08:21



热心网友 时间:2024-11-17 06:18

I am not the original dream of the future.
I would like my future is not a dream, I had serious every minute, with minute-by-minute time weaving into my dreams, my future. Careful observation of the things around them, did not miss any drop of water on a lotus leaf beads; considered suspicious things around them, did not miss any piece of beautiful clouds in the sky; worrying to think about their own future, did not miss any achievement of a dream of the opportunities ahead.
I would like my future is not a dream, my heart would like to move along, move along with hope. People often say that the greater the greater the disappointment may be in the face of future problems, happen very serious, do not let any one of the beautiful scenery while away from your eyes. Even if only 1% of hope, but also try to hold it in your eyes.
I really was not a dream of the future.
How far is it in the end the future, we will not become immortal. Road paved with love, is a road full of thorns, or smooth sailing? With hope that the ship was built or inverse Shun? Up with the dream of the sky is clear or cloudy? Tell us the truth: in fact, not far future, we will not be a god at that time. Shop with love the way is smooth sailing. With hope that the ship was built Shun. Dream up with is a clear sky.
Let us shout aloud to the sky, say: I dream of the future is not. Warmest regards to the homeless say the white clouds
: I am not a dream of the future. Look at the dedication of the blue sky, the sea has vowed to listen to, let us fly free.
The future of the next dream, dreams are dreams of the future. I just want to say: "I am not a dream of the future."

热心网友 时间:2024-11-17 06:18

My future
I hope I grow up to be a doctor.Because doctor may heal the sick, let people away from the disease.I later will work harder to learn, to realize the desire, this also is my future!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-17 06:19

你几年级的 我们五年级还没学呢追问五年!别废话了!


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