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一黑人胖子唱的蓝调歌词里有I'M SORRY

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-06 00:44



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 17:50

Ruben Studdard的"Sorry 2004"?

(I'm sorry)
(I'm Sorry)
It's like I missed a shot,
It's like I dropped the ball.
(Damn I'm Sorry)
It's like I'm on stage,
and I forgot the words.
(Damn, I'm sorry)
It's like building a new house,
with no roof and no doors.
(Damn, I'm sorry)
It's like trying to propose,
and I ain't got the ring.
(Oooh damn I'm sorry)
But girl I've apologized
a million times before.
(I'll apologize a million more)
So here it comes again
for all the wrong I've done.
(so get ready babe)
Here's One million one.
Girl this is my sorry for, 2004.
And I aint gonna mess up no more, this year.
I'm 'a take this one chance,
and make it real clear.
I'm sorry for May
and I'm sorry for June (for real)
and I'm sorry for July (i am)
in case I dont tell you.
Ruben Studdard
August, September, October, November 'till your December.
I'm Sorry.
(I'm sorry 2004)
Its like stayin' out at night,
had way too much to drink.
(Damn, I'm sorry)
It's like you change your hair,
and I dont say a thing.
(Damn I'm sorry)
It's like we're fallin' fast asleep,
with no kiss, and before we hit.
(yeah I'm sorry)
And It's like I forgot your gift,
on 02 14 03.
(Yea. So sorry!)
But girl I've apologized
a million times before.
(I'll apologize a million more)
So here it comes again
for all the wrong I've done.
(so get ready babe)
Here's One million one.
Girl this is my sorry for, 2004.
And I aint gonna mess up no more, this year.
I'm 'a take this one chance,
(I'm 'a take my time)
and make it real clear.
I'm sorry for May
and I'm sorry for June (for real)
and I'm sorry for July (i am)
in case I dont tell you.
August, September, October, November 'till your December.
(I'm sorry 2004)
I'm sorry for the way that I did you
I'm sorry for the thought and how I hurt you girl
I'm sorry on the first day, sorry on the second day
sorry for the things I did, Sorry for the things i said
sorry for the lies
sorry for the time
That I didn't get you what you want,
That I didn't get you what you like.
What can I do to tell you that I'm sorry babe.
(sorry, sorry)
Oooooooooooooohhhhhhh! [echo]
All them strip clubs,
all them hot tubs.
I'm gone give them up,
'cause I dont want to lose you now.
Girl this is my sorry for, 2004.
And I aint gonna mess up no more, this year.
I'm 'a take this one chance,
and make it real clear.
I'm sorry for May
and I'm sorry for June (for real)
and I'm sorry for July (i am)
in case I dont tell you.
August, September, October, November 'till your December.
I'm Sorry.
(I'm sorry 2004)
[Starts Fading]
Girl this is my sorry for, 2004.
Sorry 2004
Girl this is my sorry for, 2004.
Sorry 2004

热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 17:50

黑人,BLUES里面带I'M SORRY的歌不计其数

热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 17:51

是 Ruben Studdard的<Sorry 2004>不是<beautiful girls>

热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 17:51

就应该是Beautiful GIRL.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 17:52

beautiful girls?
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