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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-01 01:06



热心网友 时间:2024-09-30 02:38

Don't move, don't talk out of time, don't think,
Don't worry everything's just fine, just fine
Don't grab, don't clutch, don't hope for too much
Don't breathe, don't achieve, don't grieve without leave
Don't check just balance on the fence
Don't answer, don't ask, don't try and make sense

Don't whisper, don't talk, don't run if you can walk
Don't cheat, compete, don't miss the one beat
Don't travel by train, don't eat, don't spill
Don't piss in the drain, don't make a will
Don't fill out any forms, don't compensate
Don't cower, don't crawl, don't come around late
Don't hover at the gate

Don't take it on board
Don't fall on your sword

Just play another chord
If you feel you're getting bored (I feel numb)
(I feel numb)
(Too much is not enough)

Don't change your brand (Gimme some more)
Don't listen to the band (Gimme some more)
Don't gape (Of that stuff love)
Don't ape (Too much is not enough)

Don't change your shape, have another grape

Don't plead (Too much is not enough)
Don't bridle (I feel numb)
Don't shackle (I feel numb)
Don't grind (Gimme what you got)
Don't curve (Gimme what I don't get)
Don't swerve (Gimme what you got)
Don't lie, die, serve (Too much is not enough)
(I feel numb)
Don't theorize, realise, polarise,
Chance, dance, dismiss, apologise
(I feel numb)
Don't spy (Gimme some more)
Don't lie (Gimme some more)
Don't try (Of that stuff love)
Imply (Gimme some more)
Detain (Too much is not enough)
Start again (I feel numb)

Don't triumph, don't coax, don't cling, don't hoax
Don't freak, peak, don't leak, don't speak

(I feel numb)
Don't project (I feel numb)
Don't connect, protect, don't expect
(I feel numb)
Don't project, don't connect
Protect, don't expect, suggest
(I feel numb)
Don't struggle (I feel numb)
Don't jerk, don't collar, don't work
Don't wish, don't fish, don't teach, don't reach

(I feel numb)
Don't borrow, don't break, don't fence
Don't steal, don't pass, don't press
Don't try, don't feel
(I feel numb)
Don't touch, don't dive, don't suffer
Don't rhyme, don't fantasize, don't rise
Don't lie
(I feel numb)
Don't project, don't connect
Protect, don't expect, suggest
(I feel numb)
Don't project, don't connect
Protect, don't expect, suggest (I feel numb)
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