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Day26新专辑里just getting started歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-25 10:01



热心网友 时间:2024-08-25 10:17

Remember that time,
I've heard those words before but now they're mine,
Every memory of the sweet sunshine,
Is living here in my heart and mine.

Every laugh,
We share together,
Yeah we still give back,
Can you believe all the fun we've had,
Just getting ready for the other half.

You know a friend becomes a part of you,
Like this dream is finally coming true,
Coming true.

It's all good, alright,
See ya later doesn't mean goodbye,
'Cause it ain't over, there's time to fly,
And we're just getting started,

Let's celebrate,
Life is coming, yeah, and i can't wait,
It's a ride that all of us get to take,
We're gonna help each other find our way,

Every friend is now a part of me,
Together we're just like a family,
Breaking free.

It's all good, alright,
See ya later doesn't mean goodbye,
It ain't over, there's time to fly,
And we're just getting started,
We're just getting started.

It's all good, alright,
The world is changing that ain't no surprise,
But that can't stop us, just let it fly,
'Cause we're just getting started.

Who knows what we'll find, it's the great unknown,
The stepping stone,
Wherever we're going,
I know, we're gonna get there from here,

It's all good, alright,
See ya later doesn't mean goodbye,
It ain't over, there's time to fly,
And we're just getting started,
Just getting started.

It's all good, alright,
The world is changing that ain't no surprise,
But that can't stop us, just let it fly,
'Cause we're just getting started.
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