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...list of available Meal Plans and how to get started...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-25 10:01



热心网友 时间:2024-08-25 10:25

At the moment you can choose between the following Meal Plans supporting a meal planner and a shopping list: – Paleo- Sugar Detox- Eat like Denice- 3 weeks weight loss- Keto Maintain- Keto Burn- Vegan for a week- Protein Weight Loss Please find more details here: General Questions: Can I restart the Meal Plan? iOS: Yes, you will find the option to restart either in the plan settings (top right in settings view) or by going to the PLANS section at the bottom tab bar and clicking on the active plan. You will then see the button "Restart Plan". / Android: Yes, you will find the option to restart either in the plan settings (top right in settings view) or by going to the PLANS section at the bottom tab bar and clicking on the active plan. You will then see the button "Restart Plan". Alternatively you can restart the plan in the meal plan card in the dairy by clicking on the three little dots top right and then on "Restart plan". How can I deactivate the Meal Plan if I do not want to complete it? Please go to the PLANS section in the app and choose another plan by clicking on it to start it. I cannot see my vegetable / meat trackers any longer In these meal plans those trackers are not activated as standard but will return as soon as the plan is finished. I happened to press ‘Eat this every day’ but now I regret it, how can I undo that? Since you now have told the meal planner that you want that meal all the coming days for the program you will have to tap into each of the days and meals where you want to eat something else in order to change it. I cannot see my Life Score and rating That is intended. The Meal Plans is just focusing on basics. The Life Score as well as the rating will be visible again as soon as you finish the meal plan based diets and switch to a normal diet.

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