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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-24 09:31



热心网友 时间:2024-08-24 12:13

China ZhongDian Media Co. Ltd., established in accordance with the reform policies of the Chinese News Press system and cultural industry growth, is a company under the Chinese Electronic Power News Press. Its primary focus is on managing the publication of various publications, including China Electric Power Newspaper, China Electric Power Industry, Made in China, China Electric Power News Network, Electric Power Internet Television, and Electric Power Express. The company also engages in diverse activities, such as advertising agency development, new media and information products, electric power database management, and the production, distribution, and sales of films, TV programs, exhibitions, conferences, book publications, graphic design, education and training, consulting, and cultural exchange services.

One of its notable publications, the English-language magazine Made in China, is registered in the United States. Catering specifically to a global audience, it is a finance-oriented magazine that highlights Chinese-made products. Target readers include producers, dealers, and marketers involved in the global supply chain of Chinese products, as well as chambers of commerce and purchasing associations. The magazine aims to showcase Chinese enterprises, promote Chinese products, foster Chinese trade, and serve as a business platform for Chinese businesses. Ultimately, its mission is to become a vital gateway for exporting Chinese products, brands, and culture, contributing to China's economic growth and bridging the international business community.


中电传媒股份有限公司是中国电力报社的全资子公司,是中国电力报社贯彻国家新闻体制改革和大力发展文化产业的政策精神、依法注册成立的股份制公司,注册资本5000万。主要从事《中国电力报》、《中国电业》、《中国发电》、《That's Beijing》、中国电力新闻网、电力网络电视台、《电力快讯》的发行、广告代理和新媒体产品、信息产品、电力数据库等业务的开发与经营。还有影视节目制作、发行和销售;展览展示、会议承办,代理书画、图书出版、计算机排版及印刷、教育培训、咨询与文化交流等业务,营业额1亿元。

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