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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-24 05:34



热心网友 时间:2024-08-24 06:46

I will miss you so much.
The correct pronunciation of "miss" is [mɪs].
1. Verb: To fail to hit; not to obtain; not to reach; to miss; not to see; not to hear; not to notice; not to understand; not to comprehend.
2. Noun: (Used before the surname or name of an unmarried woman, as a mark of politeness); Miss (a title for a young woman); Miss (a title used to address an unknown young woman).
Common phrases:
1. Feel the miss of something: To feel a sense of loss.
2. Give something a miss: To avoid something; to omit something.
3. Lucky miss: To have escaped unhurt by chance; to have been lucky to avoid something.
4. Near miss: To nearly hit or collide with something.
5. Elderly miss: An elderly spinster.
Synonyms for "miss":
1. Think: [θɪŋk] (to think; to believe; to remember; to imagine; to plan)
2. What do you think: What do you believe or think about it?
3. Think so: Share the same idea or belief.
4. Think twice: To consider carefully before doing something.
5. Let me think: To take a moment to think about it.
6. Just think: To consider or reflect on something.
Difference between "realize," "think," "imagine," and "conceive":
1. Realize: To understand or grasp the essence of something through vivid thinking or imagination.
2. Think: The most common term, referring to thinking or pondering, and also to making judgments or conclusions through repeated thought.
3. Imagine: To form a clear and vivid mental image or idea.
4. Conceive: To organize one's thoughts in the mind, to form a systematic idea or opinion.
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