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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-04 16:43



热心网友 时间:2024-09-04 17:29

in the 1970s,in addition to going on expanding the electronic industry, MR. Lee Bingzhe successively founded Samsung tubes , electronic components and semiconductors. according to the policy of government that gives the priority to developing heavy industries, he also has founded the Samsung Petrochemical, Samsung Heavy Industries, Samsung integrated construction and Samsung machinery, expanding the business scope to the petrochemical, shipbuilding , aviation, finance, communications and other fields. In the 1980s , Lee Bingzhe also proposed "In order to find a way out and create a second taking off of Korean economy, we have no alternative but develop the state-of-the-art technology."

we have no alternative but develop the state-of-the-art technology."

请大家帮我翻译下下面这段话 ,用英语,不要机器,可以让客户明白意思。我...

Dear Sir or Madam,(商贸函电开头若不知道对方名字一般都是这样,没有说亲爱的朋友的)We have connected with TNT Express and get their explaination: it is not the TNT Express wants to be paid twice. When the cargo reached your place, some additional custom fees generated and TNT Expre...


going into the brands'compotitions age.At the present time,the economic crisis is throughogut the world,which is a chance as well as a challenge for our country's economy.This paper summerizes the brand strategy management modes of the companies home and abroad,...


in 1967 created the world's largest annual output of 330000 tons of fertilizer plant. At that time, when the electronics industry in western countries has emerged,




We are living in a high tempo, pressurised live. taxing work, family responsibility further add pressure on us. If it is not controlled it will seriously affect our physical & mental health. Lucky we can control our activities, slow down the tempo to abate the pressure.To ...


第一句:你怎么去学校呢?第二句:我家很近,通常是步行去。第三句:有时我骑自行车,你呢?第四句:我通常坐公交车去。第五句:我们可以步行去车站。第六句:哪层楼?第七句:5楼,5A房间。第八句:(遇到)红灯停下。第九句:不算太远。短文:The traffic light are the same in every ...



请英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话, 不要翻译器的,谢谢.

stadium, We are to pick you up at nine o'clock at the entrance of Jiangwan underground station in the morning . Do you think if this time is suitable for you ? if not ,please kindly let us know what time is suitable and convenient for us to come to pick you up ....


China's student loan was a policy which was beneficial to the nations and people. This policy kept the balance of the educations, and it was crucial to improve people's qualities. But with the policy of student loan had been carried out, breaching of the contract restrained ...

如果一个人处处忍让别人,却一点也不为自己想会怎样? ...星猫的,主题曲中有一句是“我是一只猫,快乐的星猫”。求这主题曲的... 快乐星猫的歌词是什么? 什么中医保健好操作又舒服效果好,像拔火罐艾灸什么的? Etc,出现了乱扣费的现象,怎么解决?我的etc都被多扣了200块钱,不... 第三次全国人口普查第三次人口普查 杨明清历程 普拉夫人口 为什么会有中期人口统计 香港人口普查历史 买个22寸液晶电视当电视看电影好还是买个22寸液晶显示器当电视看影... 田字的笔顺正确 田是什么字 公司取名字参考大全 营业执照起名大全免费 食品营业执照名字怎么取 红豆薏米炒熟后磨粉冲水可以吗 康县三兴实业有限责任公司怎么样? 山东省南郊集团三兴置业有限公司怎么样? 黑龙江三兴工程设计有限责任公司怎么样? 农产品批发平台有哪些 word论文查重入口word论文查重功能在哪 混油皮容易冒痘应该使用哪些护肤品? ...肌 无法接受含酒精的爽肤水 如果要护肤在用洗面奶之后只 油痘肌如何选择水乳? 生物类专业的就业渠道有什么? hcardvr行车记录仪车机版使用方法 联想行车记录仪cardvr记录仪说明书 三伏天去湿寒最好的方法 主板的mATX和ATX什么意思 什么是ATX,什么是MATX主版? 哪些食品容易滋生细菌 洗衣机里面有蟑螂怎么去除 ...华硕笔记本电脑的触摸板在哪里调 总妨碍我打游戏 如何禁止笔记本的触摸屏 ...因为我经常玩游戏,总触碰到那个触摸屏,导致自动开枪。所以_百度知 ... 风扇哪个牌子质量好?对比普通风扇,塔扇的优势在哪?哪个型号好? 蜥蜴喜欢生活在什么地方? 170的男人适合多长多宽的围巾 很长的围巾适合男人用吗? 怎么用photoshop cs3在图片上加闪字? ps如何把两个字分开一点ps怎么把两段文字合并 公司给员工转装卸费5000元违法吗 我们公司是3月份刚成立的装卸公司小规模纳税人3月份的劳务收入是382039.... 如何能找到ps素材如何能找到ps素材库 ps素材都是哪里找的ps素材都是哪里找的到 ps素材免费下载的网站有哪些 ps形状怎么导入素材ps形状怎么导入素材库 有哪些汉字是有多种意思的 赖基本解释 套房里出现蟑螂要怎么办?